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Perceptions and Expectations of Youth With Disabilities  (NLTS2)
NCSER 2007-3006
September 2007

Table 1.  Youth with disabilities' reported perceptions of self attributes, by disability category

Extent statement is like youth Learning disability Speech/ language impairment Mental retardation Emotional disturbance Hearing impairment Visual impairment Orthopedic impairment Other health impairment Autism Traumatic brain injury Multiple disabilities Deaf-blindness
Percent / standard error
You are a nice person
Very much like you 83.0 85.7 82.3 77.5 82.2 90.4 92.1 83.0 81.4 80.1 87.7 89.8
(3.20) (3.12) (4.42) (3.88) (4.70) (3.72) (3.10) (3.53) (5.69) (7.19) (4.87) (5.46)
A little like you 17.0 14.2 14.8 18.7 17.8 7.9 7.6 16.1 16.5 19.5 12.0 10.2
(3.20) (3.11) (4.11) (3.62) (4.70) (3.40) (3.05) (3.45) (5.43) (7.13) (4.82) (5.46)
Not at all like you 0.1 0.1 3.0 3.7 1.7 0.3 0.9 2.0 0.5 0.3
(0.27) (0.28) (1.98) (1.75) (1.63) (0.63) (0.89) (2.05) (1.27) (0.81)
You can handle things that come your way
Very much like you 66.6 60.6 53.3 68.3 66.3 73.3 63.8 59.4 39.4 62.9 55.6 57.5
(4.01) (4.36) (5.82) (4.29) (5.80) (5.60) (5.51) (4.61) (7.24) (8.73) (7.41) (9.02)
A little like you 31.2 36.1 39.1 26.9 30.8 26.2 34.0 32.2 53.4 35.7 34.3 40.4
(3.94) (4.29) (5.69) (4.09) (5.67) (5.57) (5.44) (4.39) (7.40) (8.66) (7.08) (8.95)
Not at all like you 2.2 3.3 7.7 4.7 2.9 0.4 2.2 8.4 7.3 1.4 10.1 2.1
(1.25) (1.59) (3.11) (1.95) (2.06) (0.80) (1.68) (2.60) (3.86) (2.12) (4.49) (2.62)
How youth rates his or her attribute:
Having a sense of humor
Very good 50.5 46.7 51.3 57.7 43.0 56.0 50.1 48.3 41.2 46.4 55.8 58.5
(4.25) (4.46) (5.83) (4.56) (6.08) (6.28) (5.74) (4.68) (7.21) (9.02) (7.50) (8.89)
Pretty good 44.4 46.4 35.4 34.5 43.8 41.2 44.2 45.7 50.6 51.1 33.0 31.0
(4.22) (4.46) (5.58) (4.38) (6.09) (6.22) (5.70) (4.66) (7.32) (9.04) (7.10) (8.35)
Not very or not at all good 5.1 6.8 13.2 7.9 13.2 2.7 5.7 5.9 8.1 2.4 11.1 10.5
(1.88) (2.26) (3.95) (2.48) (4.16) (2.05) (2.67) (2.21) (4.00) (2.78) (4.75) (5.53)
Being sensitive to others' feelings
Very good 40.2 38.3 45.1 38.6 41.6 50.5 46.8 37.2 39.6 48.3 42.7 53.9
(4.18) (4.33) (5.75) (4.54) (6.08) (6.30) (5.73) (4.55) (7.22) (9.02) (7.34) (9.00)
Pretty good 51.7 51.3 42.6 44.6 46.8 42.5 44.7 55.3 43.4 38.5 41.3 40.0
(4.26) (4.45) (5.71) (4.64) (6.15) (6.23) (5.71) (4.68) (7.32) (8.78) (7.30) (8.84)
Not very or not at all good 8.2 10.3 12.3 16.8 11.6 6.9 8.5 7.6 17.0 13.1 16.0 6.1
(2.33) (2.71) (3.80) (3.49) (3.94) (3.20) (3.20) (2.49) (5.55) (6.09) (5.44) (4.33)
Being well organized
Very good 18.6 18.9 33.7 25.9 30.3 22.1 21.0 16.4 22.6 18.3 30.2 16.5
(3.31) (3.49) (5.51) (4.05) (5.64) (5.22) (4.66) (3.47) (6.16) (6.96) (6.83) (6.70)
Pretty good 60.6 63.7 51.7 50.5 52.2 61.4 46.7 50.5 39.3 58.7 44.9 51.7
(4.15) (4.28) (5.82) (4.63) (6.13) (6.13) (5.71) (4.68) (7.20) (8.87) (7.40) (9.02)
Not very or not at all good 20.7 17.5 14.6 23.6 17.5 16.5 32.4 33.1 38.1 23.0 24.9 31.9
(3.45) (3.38) (4.11) (3.93) (4.67) (4.67) (5.36) (4.41) (7.16) (7.58) (6.43) (8.41)
Responses for items with fewer than 30 respondents are not reported.
NOTE: Response categories "not very good" and "not at all good" have been collapsed for reporting purposes.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Special Education Research, National Longitudinal Transition Study-2 (NLTS2), Wave 2 youth telephone interview/mail survey, 2003.
