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IES Research Training Institute: Single-Case Design Frequently Asked Questions

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  1. Please clarify the eligibility criteria.
    ANSWER: We are considering applicants who:
    1. already have their Ph.D. or Ed.D.;
    2. have experience conducting research relevant to education and analyzing data using SPSS or SAS;
    3. are citizens or non-citizen nationals of the United States, or must have been lawfully admitted to the United States for permanent residence (i.e., possess a currently valid Alien Registration Receipt Card I-551, or other legal verification of such status);
    4. have demonstrated their ability to conduct independent research;
    5. are currently employed in a setting in which conducting research relevant to education is part of their regular responsibilities;
    6. can demonstrate that they have a need for the knowledge and skills addressed in the Training Institute.

  2. I am a post-doctoral student attending an American university on a Student visa, am I eligible?
    ANSWER: No. Due to space limitations and our citizenship requirement, the course is open only to applicants who are citizens or non-citizen nationals of the United States, or who have been lawfully admitted to the United States for permanent residence (i.e., possess a currently valid Alien Registration Receipt Card I-551, or other legal verification of such status).

  3. How many people will be accepted for the Training Institute?
    ANSWER: 40.

  4. Can more than one person from an organization apply?
    ANSWER: Yes. We will evaluate each application on its own merits. Applicants who meet the eligibility requirements and selection criteria will be accepted on a first come, first served basis.

  5. If I am accepted, can I bring my spouse and/or children?
    ANSWER: Yes, but at your own expense.

  6. Will this Training Institute be offered again?
    ANSWER: Yes, we anticipate offering this Training Institute again.

  7. Can you send me the course materials if I am unable to attend?
    ANSWER: We anticipate making the PowerPoint presentations available on the IES/NCSER website.