Plenary Speakers

This page provides you with a brief introduction to the plenary speakers and presenters at this year's meeting.

Elizabeth Albro


José Blackorby

Senior Director of Research and Development,
CAST, Inc.
Lecturer, Harvard Graduate School of Education (HGSE)

Laura Neergaard Booker

Director of Research,
Tennessee Department of Education

Maithilee Kunda

Assistant Professor,
Vanderbilt University

Alexandra Logue

Research Professor,
The City University of New York

Krista Marks

Co-founder and CEO,
Woot Math

Joan McLaughlin


Erin Ottmar

Assistant Professor,
Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Nicole Russo-Ponsaran

Research Director,
Rush NeuroBehavioral Center

Jason Sachs

Executive Director of Early Childhood Education,
Boston Public Schools

Mark Schneider


Christina Weiland

Assistant Professor,
University of Michigan

Jane West

Visiting Professor,
University of Maryland