Commissioners' Welcome

Jacquelyn Buckley Profile Image

Jacquelyn Buckley

Acting Commissioner,

Welcome to the 2023 IES Principal Investigators Meeting! Our theme this year is Building on 20 years of IES Research to Accelerate the Education Sciences. Our Co-Chairs for this year’s PI Meeting are Eunsoo Cho (Michigan State University) and Roddy Theobald (American Institutes for Research). We appreciate their efforts in developing the meeting theme, and look forward to working together to develop sessions, and identify speakers so that this virtual meeting is engaging and useful to you.

Over the past 20 years, IES has significantly shaped the education research landscape with its support of rigorous and relevant research on which to ground education practice and policy. While IES has provided useful and accessible evidence on what education policies and practices work for whom and under what conditions, there is still much more to be done. By leveraging and continuing to build on the research IES has supported, stakeholders in the education community can address the urgent needs in the field such as accelerating pandemic recovery for students and educators and addressing inequities in learning opportunities and outcomes.

During this year’s meeting, we will not only reflect on and celebrate IES’s accomplishments and successes, but we will also explore how IES can further advance the education sciences and improve education outcomes for all learners. This year’s meeting will include session strands focusing on:

  • Advancing diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility in the education sciences;
  • Accelerating pandemic recovery for students and educators and reflecting on lessons learned from the pandemic;
  • Expanding and improving connections across research, policy, and practice communities, and connecting researchers across different disciplines; and
  • Exploring innovative, forward-looking strategies to incentivize and implement rigorous research approaches, tools, and methods in the education sciences.

We look forward to seeing you virtually in May!

Elizabeth Albro, Commissioner, NCER

Jacquelyn Buckley, Acting Commissioner, NCSER

Elizabeth Albro Profile Image

Elizabeth Albro
