Hotel Information


Hyatt Regency Crystal City at Reagan National Airport

Experience Washington, D.C. from Crystal City Hotel Near Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport (DCA). Your stay at the hotel in Arlington’s Crystal City neighborhood offers easy access to Washington, D.C. and complimentary shuttle service to Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport. Enjoy stunning views of the nation’s monuments from the rooftop event space during morning yoga, plus easy access to Crystal City Metro Station and close to many Washington attractions. The Hyatt Regency hotel offers the perfect destination for work while exploring local attractions in the evening.

Quick details:

Check-in time: 4:00 p.m., Check-out time: 11:00 a.m.
Complimentary wireless internet in all paid guest rooms, hotel lobby, and onsite Food and Beverage outlets
Complimentary meeting room internet available during the meeting

Hyatt Regency Crystal City at Reagan National Airport
2799 Richmond Highway
Arlington, VA 22202
Phone: +1 703 418 1234

View Map


In order to assist you with your travel plans, a block of sleeping rooms is being offered at the federal per diem of $196.00 per night, Single/Double plus tax, for the dates of the meeting starting Monday, January 6, 2025. Please click the reservation link further below or call (888) 421-1442 to book your accommodations before Monday, December 16, 2024.


Hyatt Regency Crystal City at Reagan National Airport offers valet-only parking, with unlimited in/out privileges. Discounted valet conference parking at the Hyatt is $30/day for standard sized vehicles and $40/day for oversized vehicles. Clearance is 6’ 8” in the underground parking garage.


Concierge questions can be directed to the front desk.


For your convenience, there is a 24-hour ATM located in the main lobby area to the left of the front desk.


Hotel complimentary wireless high speed Internet access is available to all paid guest rooms, hotel lobby and onsite Food and Beverage outlets. In addition, complimentary wireless Internet access will be available for meeting participants in the IES PI meeting spaces on the Independence, Ballroom, and Second Floor Levels. Please refer to information cards located throughout the meeting space or see any hotel or meeting staff for login information.


The 24-hour self-service business center is located on the Main Lobby level near the main entrance and front desk.