IES Current Fellows

IES invests in training programs, including predoctoral and postdoctoral training, to prepare individuals to conduct rigorous and relevant education research that advances knowledge within the field and addresses issues important to education policymakers and practitioners.

Current IES postdoctoral fellows and advanced predoctoral fellows are featured below, along with their training grant information, mentors, primary area of research and research focus.

IES encourages fellows to use this page to network with each other. Other meeting participants can also use this page to network with the fellows and discuss potential future career opportunities or directions.

Name Primary Area of Research Focus Areas

IES Postdoctoral Fellows

Gladys Aguilar
Stanford University
Grant #: R305B220018
Mentor: Philip Fisher
Applied Education Research Early Childhood Education, English Language Learners, Families, Minority/Underserved Populations
Valerie Bambha
University of Texas at Houston
Grant #: IES R324B200018
Mentor: Tricia Zucker
Applied Education Research Early Childhood Education, Elementary School, Families, Science
Daniel Espinas
The University of Texas at Austin
Grant #: R324B200012
Mentor: Sharon Vaughn
Applied Special Education Research English Language Learners, Literacy, Mathematics/Numeracy, Students with or at Risk for Disabilities
Keisey Fumero
University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston
Grant #: R324B200018
Mentor: April Crawford
Applied Education Research Early Childhood Education, Families, Literacy, Teachers and Teaching (Preparation, Professional Development, etc.)
Gal Kaldes
Georgia State University
Grant #: R305B200007
Mentor: Dr. Jason L. Braasch; Dr. Daphne Greenberg
Applied Education Research Adult Education/Adult Learners, Literacy, Reading, Assessment Development/Validation
Lindsay McHolme
Georgia State University
Grant #: R305B200007
Mentor: Daphne Greenberg
Applied Education Research Adult Education/Adult Learners, English Language Learners, Teachers and Teaching (Preparation, Professional Development, etc.), Literacy
Alexis Merculief
Stanford University
Grant #: R305B220018
Mentor: Jelena Obradovic
Applied Education Research Early Childhood Education, Minority/Underserved Populations, Social and Behavioral Development, Teachers and Teaching (Preparation, Professional Development, etc.)
Lindsey Mirielli
University of Kansas
Mentor: Howard Wills 
Applied Special Education Research Students with or at Risk for Disabilities, Secondary/High School, Middle School/Junior High School, Social and Behavioral Development
Chris Patterson
University of Iowa
Grant #: R305B220014
Mentor: Jonathan Templin, Gerta Bardhoshi, Saba Ali
Applied Education Research Assessment Development/Validation, Research Design/Methods, Education Systems, Policy, and Leadership
Lindsay Rentschler
University of Kansas
Grant #: R324B200021
Mentor: Karrie Shogren
Applied Special Education Research Secondary/High School, Students with or at Risk for Disabilities, Teachers and Teaching (Preparation, Professional Development, etc.), Adult Education/Adult Learners
Emma Shanahan
University of Texas at Austin
Mentor: Sharon Vaughn
Applied Special Education Research Students with or at Risk for Disabilities, Elementary School, Writing, Teachers and Teaching (Preparation, Professional Development, etc.)
Julie Smith
University of Virginia
Grant #: R305B210008
Mentor: Natalia Palacios
Applied Education Research Early Childhood Education, Elementary School, English Language Learners, Language Development
Christina Stephens
University of Virginia
Grant #: R305B210008
Mentor: Robert C. Pianta
Applied Education Research English Language Learners, Early Childhood Education, Education Systems, Policy, and Leadership, Families
Lauren Thayer
University of Virginia
Grant #: R305B210008
Mentor: Sara Rimm-Kaufman
Applied Education Research Early Childhood Education, English Language Learners, Elementary School, Language Development
Kathryn Watson
University of Iowa
Grant #: R305B220014
Mentor: Saba Ali
Applied Education Research Education Systems, Policy, and Leadership, Research Design/Methods, Secondary/High School, Elementary School
Paul Yoo
Stanford University
Grant #:  R305B220018
Mentor: Alvin Pearman and Sean Reardon
Applied Education Research Early Childhood Education, Education Systems, Policy, and Leadership, Families
Name Primary Area of Research Focus Areas

IES Predoctoral Fellows

Johanna Bernard
University of Pennsylvania
Grant #: R305B200035
Mentor: A. Brooks Bowden
Applied Education Research Early Childhood Education
Ryan Burke
University of Virginia
Grant #: R305B200005
Mentor: Jamie Jirout
Applied Education Research Science, Social and Behavioral Development, Mathematics/Numeracy, Cognition and Student Learning
Dania Carr
University of Chicago
Grant #: R305A220291
Mentor: Dr. Susan Levine
Applied Education Research Cognition and Student Learning, Elementary School, Mathematics/Numeracy
Todd Hall
University of Virginia
Grant #: R305B200005
Mentor: Daphna Bassok
Applied Education Research Education Systems, Policy, and Leadership, Early Childhood Education, Students with or at Risk for Disabilities, Minority/Underserved Populations
Allison Ward-Seidel
University of Virginia
Grant #: R305B200005
Mentor: Sara Rimm-Kaufman
Applied Education Research Elementary School, Education Systems, Policy, and Leadership, Middle School/Junior High School, Social and Behavioral Development
Xiangyu (Olivia) Zhao
University of Virginia
Grant #: R305B200005
Mentor: Dr. Lieny Jeon
Applied Education Research Early Childhood Education, Teachers and Teaching (Preparation, Professional Development, etc.)