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 Pub Number  Title  Date
NCEE 2023003 Possible Ways of Increasing College Access Among Adults from Underserved Backgrounds: A Study of College Transition Text-Based Messaging
For adults with low incomes and potential first-generation college-goers, enrolling in college can be challenging. The U.S. Department of Education-funded Educational Opportunity Centers (EOCs) provide supports to help navigate some of the barriers to enrollment, including assistance with completing college and financial aid application processes, academic advising, and personal counseling. This study tested a text messaging program provided as a supplement to EOCs' typical services. The program included a set of personalized, automated text messages focused on how to secure financial aid, complete key college enrollment steps, and navigate other potential barriers to college entry. Clients from 18 EOCs were randomly assigned to receive the text messages in addition to typical EOC services or to receive typical EOC services only. The study compared the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) completion and college enrollment rates of these two groups to determine the effectiveness of the messaging program.
REL 2021089 Understanding Access to and Participation in Dual Enrollment by Locale and Income Level
By providing students with an opportunity to take college courses and earn college credits while in high school, dual enrollment programs effectively increase college access, enrollment, and degree attainment. Such programs might be particularly beneficial for high school students who might be less likely to go to college, including students from rural areas and low-income households. Given the comparatively rural geography of the Regional Educational Laboratory (REL) Central region, stakeholders need a comprehensive resource for understanding dual enrollment access and participation in their states in order to support the identification of strategies to expand opportunities for college and career preparation. This report presents information on patterns in dual enrollment access and participation for the 2017/18 school year in the REL Central states (Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming) and the region as a whole and compares these state and regional patterns with national patterns. The report also reveals how dual enrollment access and participation varied with school characteristics, including school locale (city, suburban, town, or rural) and percentage of students from low-income households. The study found that dual enrollment access and participation were higher in the REL Central region than nationally. Additionally, students in rural and city locales tended to have lower dual enrollment access than did their peers in town and suburban locales. In contrast, dual enrollment participation was generally higher for students in rural and town locales than for their peers in city locales. In some states, however, both dual enrollment access and participation were higher in rural and town schools than in city schools. The study also found that in the REL Central region and nationally, schools serving higher percentages of students from low-income households had higher dual enrollment access and participation than did schools serving lower percentages of students from low-income households. Education leaders can use the study findings to advance progress toward state and district postsecondary readiness goals and to inform the development of supports or incentives related to dual enrollment.
WWC 2020001 Accelerated Study in Associate Programs (ASAP)
This What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) intervention report summarizes the research on Accelerated Study in Associate Programs (ASAP), an intervention for community college students that is designed to remove barriers to college success and completion for students seeking associate degrees. ASAP offers students financial, academic, and personal supports. Based on the research, the WWC found that ASAP will likely increase graduation, enrollment, and credit accumulation and persistence rates for community college students.
NFES 2019163 Forum Guide to Planning for, Collecting, and Managing Data About Students Displaced by a Crisis
The Forum Guide to Planning for, Collecting, and Managing Data About Students Displaced by a Crisis provides timely and useful best practice information for collecting and managing data about students who have temporarily or permanently enrolled in another educational setting because of a crisis. This guide updates the information included in the 2010 publication Crisis Data Management: A Forum Guide to Collecting and Managing Data about Displaced Students; highlights best practices that education agencies can adopt before, during, and after a crisis; and features case studies and real-world examples from agencies that have either experienced a crisis or received students who were displaced by a crisis.
NFES 2019160 Forum Guide to Personalized Learning Data
The Forum Guide to Personalized Learning Data is designed to assist education agencies as they consider whether and how to use personalized learning. It provides an overview of personalized learning and describes best practices used by education agencies to collect data for personalized learning; to use those data to meet goals; and to support relationships, resources, and systems needed for the effective use of data in personalized learning. Personalized learning is still a developing prospect in many locations. therefore, the concepts and examples provided are intended to help facilitate idea sharing and discussion.
WWC IRTC0419 Facilitating Long-Term Improvements in Graduation and Higher Education for Tomorrow (FLIGHT)/Take Stock in Children (TSIC)
The intervention report summarizes the WWC’s examination of the impact of Take Stock in Children's (TSIC's) FLIGHT program on high schools students' college access and enrollment, general achievement, and attendance.

The FLIGHT intervention is designed to provide students with wrap-around case-management services including college preparation assistance, academic monitoring, and behavioral monitoring. Eligible students are connected with volunteer mentors, student advocates, and provided a two-year scholarship to college. FLIGHT also provides students and parents with workshops that cover a range of topics such as goal setting, study skills, and college preparation and applications. FLIGHT students also have access to college transition and retention services in their first three semesters of college.

Based on the most recent available evidence, the WWC found that FLIGHT had potentially positive effects on college access and enrollment for recent high school graduates. There were no discernible effects on general achievement or attendance for high school students.
NCES 2019084 Technology and K-12 Education: The NCES Ed Tech Equity Initiative
This interactive brochure provides an overview of the Initiative—including its purpose, goal, and target outcomes.
NCES 2019085 Technology and K-12 Education: Advancing the NCES Ed Tech Equity Initiative
This infographic outlines the key steps NCES is taking to advance the NCES Ed Tech Equity Initiative.
NCES 2019086 Technology and K-12 Education: The NCES Ed Tech Equity Initiative: Framework
Check out our new factsheet to learn about the factors most critical to informing ed tech equity in the context of K-12 education!
NCEE 20174005 Upward Bound at 50: Reporting on Implementation Practices Today
Launched in 1965, Upward Bound (UB) is one of the flagship federal college access programs targeted to low-income or potential first-generation college students. This evaluation report is based on a on a 2013 survey of regular UB project directors and examines the approaches that UB projects use to provide core program services. While legislation prescribes the seven core services to be offered to students, findings suggest similarities in how Upward Bound projects focus and deliver only some core services and variation across projects operated ("hosted") by different kinds of institutions and in different locales.
NFES 2015157 Forum Guide to College and Career Ready Data
The Forum Guide to College and Career Ready Data examines how data are being used to support CCR initiatives. Chapter 1 presents an overview of college and career readiness. Chapter 2 focuses on five specific uses for data to support CCR programs: fostering individualized learning for students; supporting educators in addressing student-specific needs; guiding CCR programmatic decisions through the use of postsecondary feedback loops; measuring agency progress in meeting CCR accountability and continuous improvement goals; and maximizing career opportunities for all students. Each of the use cases includes policy and program questions to consider, a list of key data needs, useful analytics, suggested feedback to request from data users, and emerging needs related to the data use. Chapter 3 outlines a number of overarching issues for the use of CCR data, and Chapter 4 summarizes key points and emerging needs identified throughout the Guide.
NCES 2012046 Higher Education: Gaps in Access and Persistence Study
The Higher Education: Gaps in Access and Persistence Study is a congressionally-mandated statistical report that documents the scope and nature of gaps in access and persistence in higher education by sex and race/ethnicity. The report presents 46 indicators grouped under seven main topic areas: (1) demographic context; (2) characteristics of schools; (3) student behaviors and afterschool activities; (4) academic preparation and achievement; (5) college knowledge; (6) postsecondary education; and (7) postsecondary outcomes and employment. In addition, the report contains descriptive multivariate analyses of variables that are associated with male and female postsecondary attendance and attainment.
REL 20124021 Access to Algebra I: The Effects of Online Mathematics for Grade 8 Students
This report presents findings from a randomized control trial designed to inform the decisions of policymakers who are considering using online courses to provide access to Algebra I in grade 8. It focuses on students judged by their schools to be ready to take Algebra I in grade 8 but who attend schools that do not offer the course. The study tested the impact of offering an online Algebra I course on students' algebra achievement at the end of grade 8 and their subsequent likelihood of participating in an advanced mathematics course sequence in high school. The study was designed to respond to both broad public interest in the deployment of online courses for K–12 students and to calls from policymakers to provide students with adequate pathways to advanced coursetaking sequences in mathematics (National Mathematics Advisory Panel 2008).
NCES 2003348 CD-Rom: NELS:88/2000 Restricted Use Data Files and Electronic Codebook
Base year through Fourth follow-up. Request this file if you plan to study NELS:88 survey respondents for the period 1988 to 2000.
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