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 Pub Number  Title  Date
REL 2021090 Indiana and Minnesota Students Who Focused on Career and Technical Education in High School: Who Are They, and What Are Their College and Employment Outcomes?
In Indiana and Minnesota the state education agency, state higher education agency, and the state workforce agency have collaborated to develop career and technical education courses intended to improve high school students' college and career readiness. These agencies partnered with the Regional Educational Laboratory Midwest to examine whether high school graduates in each state who completed a large number of career and technical education courses in a single career-oriented program of study (concentrators) had different college and workforce outcomes from graduates who completed fewer (samplers) or no career and technical education courses (nonparticipants). The study found that in the 2012/13–2017/18 graduation cohorts, male graduates were more likely to be concentrators than female graduates, and graduates who received special education services were more likely to be concentrators than those who did not receive services. Graduates who were not proficient in reading in grade 8 also were more likely to become concentrators than those who were proficient. Graduates who attended urban and suburban schools were more likely than students who attended town and rural schools to be nonparticipants. Concentrators were less likely than samplers and nonparticipants with similar characteristics to enroll in college, but the differences reflect mainly enrollment in four-year colleges. Concentrators were more likely to enroll in two-year colleges. Concentrators also were less likely than similar samplers and nonparticipants to complete a bachelor's degree within four to six years. Finally, compared with similar samplers and nonparticipants, concentrators were employed at higher rates in the first five years after high school and had higher earnings.
NCES 2018163 College Majors and Careers: Job Relatedness and Compensation of 1992–93 and 2007–08 Bachelor’s Degree Recipients 4 Years After Graduation
This Statistics in Brief examines the distribution of college majors between the classes of 1992–93 and 2007–08. The brief also explores how the relatedness of 2007–08 bachelor's degree recipients' jobs to their college major differ from that of 1992–93 bachelor's degree recipients, four years after receiving their bachelor's degrees.
NCES 2019084 Technology and K-12 Education: The NCES Ed Tech Equity Initiative
This interactive brochure provides an overview of the Initiative—including its purpose, goal, and target outcomes.
NCES 2019085 Technology and K-12 Education: Advancing the NCES Ed Tech Equity Initiative
This infographic outlines the key steps NCES is taking to advance the NCES Ed Tech Equity Initiative.
NCES 2019086 Technology and K-12 Education: The NCES Ed Tech Equity Initiative: Framework
Check out our new factsheet to learn about the factors most critical to informing ed tech equity in the context of K-12 education!
NCES 2019087 Technology and K-12 Education: The NCES Ed Tech Equity Initiative: Data Collection Priorities
This factsheet outlines the key subtopics NCES will prioritize in its ed tech equity data collections.
NCES 2018151 Graduation Rates for Selected Cohorts, 2009-14; Outcome Measures for Cohort Year 2009-10; Student Financial Aid, Academic Year 2016-17; and Admissions in Postsecondary Institutions, Fall 2017 (Provisional Data)
This First Look includes fully edited and imputed data from the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) winter 2017-18 data collection, which included four survey components: Graduation Rates for selected cohorts 2009-2014, Outcome Measures for cohort year 2009-10, Student Financial Aid data for the academic year 2016-17, as well as Admissions for Fall 2017.
NCES 2018067 2015–16 Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS): Data Inconsistencies Between the Outcome Measures (OM) and Graduation Rates (GR) Survey Components
This data file documentation provides guidance and documentation to users of the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) data collected in the Graduation Rates (GR), 200 Percent Graduation Rates (GR200), and Outcome Measures (OM) survey components for the 2015–16 collection year. The purpose of the report is to document the data inconsistencies between the OM, GR, and GR200 survey components and describe the efforts made by the U.S. Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) to improve data quality.
NCES 2018421 First-Generation Students: College Access, Persistence, and Postbachelor’s Outcomes
This Statistics in Brief focuses on students whose parents have not attended college and examines these students’ high school success and postsecondary enrollment, persistence and degree completion once they enrolled in college, and graduate school enrollment and employment outcomes after they attained a bachelor’s degree. Their outcomes are compared to those of their peers whose parents had attended or completed college. This report draws on data from three nationally representative studies from the National Center for Education Statistics: the Education Longitudinal Study of 2002 (ELS:2002), the 2004/09 Beginning Postsecondary Students Longitudinal Study (BPS:04/09), and the 2008/12 Baccalaureate and Beyond Longitudinal Study (B&B:08/12).
NCES 2017150REV Graduation Rates for Selected Cohorts, 2008-13; Outcome Measures for Cohort Year 2008; Student Financial Aid, Academic Year 2015-16; and Admissions in Postsecondary Institutions, Fall 2016: First Look (Provisional data)
This First Look is a revised version of the preliminary report released on October 12, 2017. It includes fully edited and imputed data from the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) winter 2016-17 data collection, which included four survey components: Graduation Rates for selected cohorts 2008-2013, Outcome Measures for cohort year 2008, Student Financial Aid data for the academic year 2015-16, as well as Admissions for Fall 2016. selected cohorts 2008-2013, Outcome Measures for cohort year 2008, Student Financial Aid data for the academic year 2015-16, as well as Admissions for Fall 2016.
NCES 2017437 Early Millennials: The Sophomore Class of 2002 a Decade Later
This Statistical Analysis Report examines the early adulthood milestones of 2002 high school sophomores as of 2012. It reports on key outcomes, including high school completion, enrollment in postsecondary education, progress toward or completion of a college degree, family formation (marriage and having children), and employment status and earnings. The analysis of key postsecondary education and employment milestones control for demographic and high school academic characteristics that are associated with such outcomes. The analysis uses nationally representative data from the Education Longitudinal Study of 2002 (ELS:2002).
REL 2017202 The characteristics and education outcomes of American Indian students in grades 6–12 in North Carolina
The purpose of this study was to compare American Indian students in grades 6–12 in North Carolina to all other students in the same grades both within the same schools and statewide on student demographics, school characteristics, and education outcomes. The North Carolina State Advisory Council on Indian Education (SACIE) requested this research based on a prior report identifying achievement gaps between American Indian students and White students. The primary source of quantitative data for this study is longitudinal administrative data provided to the Education Policy Initiative at Carolina by the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI). These data include student-level outcomes for all students in grades 6–12 in North Carolina public schools for the school years 2010/11 through 2013/14. Outcomes considered include state test scores, attendance, retention in grade, advanced course taking, graduation rates, and disciplinary referrals. Quantitative analyses include all American Indian students in grades 6–12 in North Carolina public schools for school years 2010/11 through 2013/14. Students of other ethnicities in the same grades and years both within the same schools and statewide serve as comparison groups. Descriptive analyses compare averages for all student characteristics, school characteristics, and education outcomes for American Indian students compared to their within school and statewide peers. Regression analyses using multilevel modeling were used examine the extent to which controlling for student, school, and teacher characteristics accounts for differences in outcomes between American Indian students and their peers. The analyses found that American Indian students are demographically different from non-American Indian students statewide, but similar to other students attending the same schools. Schools attended by American Indian students are more likely to be rural and in the Coastal plain. American Indians also tend to attend schools that serve more economically disadvantaged students and more disadvantaged minority students. Across all middle school and high school standardized tests, American Indian students have lower average scores than other students statewide and within the same schools. American Indian students are absent more often on average than their peers both statewide and within the same school, are less likely to take advanced courses, and graduate at lower rates, but are equally likely to be retained in grade as their peers. When school and student demographics are held constant, the size of the gaps on most outcomes between American Indian students and their peers both within the same schools and statewide are substantially reduced.
REL 2017206 Characteristics and education outcomes of Utah high school dropouts who re-enrolled
While numerous studies have examined the national dropout crisis, comparatively little is known about students who drop out but later return to high school. Following a cohort of students expected to graduate from Utah public schools in 2011 after four years of high school, this report describes the extent of dropout and reenrollment statewide; how dropout and reenrollment rates differed by demographic characteristics; how academic progress differed for re-enrollees prior to leaving school compared to students who graduated without an interruption in enrollment and dropouts who did not return; and the final high school outcomes of dropouts who came back to school. Findings indicate that while three-fourths of the students in the 2011 graduating cohort earned a diploma in four years, about a fifth of the students dropped out and, among them, about a fifth returned to school by 2011. Students with certain demographic characteristics were more likely to drop out and less likely to reenroll, such as Black students and English learner students, putting them at particular risk for not graduating. The percentage of dropouts who reenrolled decreased with each year of school, but some re-enrollees still earned a diploma. Among those who had dropped out and reenrolled by 2011, 26 percent graduated on time with the cohort. Among those who dropped out and reenrolled by 2013—extending the analysis two years beyond the conventional four years of high school—the graduation rate for re-enrollees increased to 30 percent. Results show that while dropping out is not necessarily a permanent outcome, re-enrollees as a group are at risk for poor graduation outcomes. Identifying and supporting dropouts who return for another chance to graduate can boost their chances to earn a diploma.
REL 2014007 Logic Models: A Tool for Designing and Monitoring Program Evaluations
This quick reference guide defines the major components of education programs—resources, activities, outputs, and short-, mid-, and long-term outcomes—and uses an example to demonstrate the relationships among them.
WWC QR00223 "Charter Schools and the Road to College Readiness: The Effects on College Preparation, Attendance and Choice"
The study examined whether attending a Boston charter school affected students' high school and college outcomes. The study compared charter school students who were admitted via a random admission lottery and attended one of the six study charter schools to students who applied but were not admitted via lottery and instead attended another public school in Massachusetts. The study reported that students attending the six Boston charter schools included in the study scored significantly higher on the 10th grade state assessments in both English language arts and math, had significantly higher SAT scores, and were significantly more likely to attend a 4-year postsecondary institution than students who applied but were not admitted. There were no statistically significant differences between groups in AP exam passing rates, high school graduation rates, or overall college enrollment rates.
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