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 Pub Number  Title  Date
NCES 2023015 Middle Grades Longitudinal Study of 2017–18 (MGLS:2017) Assessment Item Level File (ILF), Read Me
This ReadMe provides guidance and documentation for users of the Middle Grades Longitudinal Study of 2017-18 (MGLS:2017) Assessment Item Level File (ILF)(NCES 2023-014) made available to researchers under a restricted use only license. Other supporting documentation includes MGLS_Math_and_Reading_Items_User_Guide.xlsx, MGLS_MS1_Math_Item_Images.pdf, MGLS_MS2_Math_Item_Images.pdf, MGLS_MS1_MS2_Reading_Sample_Item_Type_Images.pdf, MGLS_MS1_MS2_EF_HeartsFlowers_Instructions.pptx, and MGLS_MS2_EF_Spatial_2-back_Instructions.pptx
NCES 2023014 MGLS 2017 Assessment Item Level Files (ILF)
The Middle Grades Longitudinal Study of 2017-18 (MGLS:2017) measured student achievement in mathematics and reading along with executive function. The MGLS:2017 ILF contains the item level data from these direct measures that can be used in psychometric research for replicating or enhancing the scoring found in the MGLS:2017 RUF or in creating new scores. The Middle Grades Longitudinal Study of 2017–18 (MGLS:2017) Assessment Item Level File (ILF) contains two .csv files representing the two rounds of data collection: the MGLS:2017 Main Study (MS) Base Year (MS1) and the Main Study Follow-up (MS2) files.
NCES 2023030 2018 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) Grade 4 Oral Reading Fluency Study Restricted-Use Data File
The 2018 NAEP Oral Reading Fluency (ORF) study was conducted by NCES to examine public-school fourth-grade students’ ability to read passages out loud with sufficient speed, accuracy, and expression, as well as foundational skills, to gauge underlying sources of poor fluency. The restricted-use data file contains oral reading performance variables, student contextual information, responses collected from the NAEP reading student survey questionnaire, NAEP reading scores and achievement level and below NAEP Basic subgroup variables, and student sample weights and replicate weights. The data companion, found within the data product folder, provides background on the 2018 NAEP Oral Reading Fluency (ORF) study and a description of oral reading fluency and the study design. It also describes the 2018 NAEP ORF study instrument development and provides the sampling design and response rates, variables included in the data file, information needed to conduct statistical analyses using the 2018 NAEP ORF data, and control statement files to create system files in SAS and Stata.
NCES 2023055 Overview of the Middle Grades Longitudinal Study of 2017–18 (MGLS:2017): Technical Report
This technical report provides general information about the study and the data files and technical documentation that are available. Information was collected from students, their parents or guardians, their teachers, and their school administrators. The data collection included direct and indirect assessments of middle grades students’ mathematics, reading, and executive function, as well as indirect assessments of socioemotional development in 2018 and again in 2020. MGLS:2017 field staff provided additional information about the school environment through an observational checklist.
NCES 2022084 The 2018 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) Grade 4 Oral Reading Fluency Study Public-Use Data File
The 2018 NAEP Oral Reading Fluency (ORF) study was conducted by NCES to examine public-school fourth-grade students’ ability to read passages out loud with sufficient speed, accuracy, and expression, as well as foundational skills, to gauge underlying sources of poor fluency. The public-use data file contains oral reading performance variables, student contextual information, NAEP reading scores and achievement-level and below NAEP Basic subgroup variables, and student sample weights and replicate weights. The data companion provides background on the 2018 NAEP Oral Reading Fluency (ORF) study and a description of oral reading fluency and the study design. It also describes the 2018 NAEP ORF study instrument development and provides the sampling design and response rates, variables included in the data file, information needed to conduct statistical analyses using the 2018 NAEP ORF data, and control statement files to create system files in SAS and Stata.
NCES 2021025 The 2018 NAEP Oral Reading Fluency Study

The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) has released two reports based on the 2018 NAEP Oral Reading Fluency (ORF) study: a brief highlights report and a longer statistical analysis report. This statistical report presents detailed information about the 2018 NAEP ORF study, the first such NAEP study since 2002. The study was administered to a nationally representative sample of over 1,800 fourth-graders from 180 public schools. Students who participated in the study first completed the NAEP fourth-grade reading assessment. Then they read four short passages out loud to assess their oral reading fluency (i.e., the ability to read text aloud with speed, accuracy, and proper expression) as well as two kinds of word lists to assess their foundational skills (i.e., word reading and phonological decoding). Both the NAEP reading tasks and oral reading tasks were administered to students digitally, with student responses recorded on tablets.

The results indicate that for an estimated 1.3 million public school fourth-graders (36 percent) who performed below the NAEP Basic achievement level in reading in 2018, and in particular for an estimated 420,000 fourth-graders whose performance placed them in the lowest third of the below NAEP Basic level, fluent reading of connected text, such as paragraphs, is a major challenge. The challenge with fluency and foundational skills is particularly pronounced among Black and Hispanic students. These students read a passage at half the rate of a NAEP Proficient fourth-grader; misread 1 out of every 6 words, which are more likely to be content words that are important for comprehension, not function words (e.g., the, and, on); focus on individual words or phrases instead of the meanings of sentences and passages; read in a monotone voice, indicating lack of text comprehension; and show little knowledge of spelling-sound correspondence.

NCES 2021026 Highlights of the 2018 NAEP Oral Reading Fluency Study

The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) has released two reports based on the 2018 NAEP Oral Reading Fluency (ORF) study: a brief highlights report and a longer statistical analysis report. This highlights report presents the key concepts and findings of the 2018 NAEP ORF study, the first such NAEP study since 2002. The study was administered to a nationally representative sample of over 1,800 fourth-graders from 180 public schools. Students who participated in the study first completed the NAEP fourth-grade reading assessment. Then they read four short passages out loud to assess their oral reading fluency (i.e., the ability to read text aloud with speed, accuracy, and proper expression) as well as two kinds of word lists to assess their foundational skills (i.e., word reading and phonological decoding). Both the NAEP reading tasks and oral reading tasks were administered to students digitally, with student responses recorded on tablets.

The results indicate that for an estimated 1.3 million public school fourth-graders (36 percent) who performed below the NAEP Basic achievement level in reading in 2018, and in particular for an estimated 420,000 fourth-graders whose performance placed them in the lowest third of the below NAEP Basic level, fluent reading of connected text, such as paragraphs, is a major challenge. The challenge with fluency and foundational skills is particularly pronounced among Black and Hispanic students. These students read a passage at half the rate of a NAEP Proficient fourth-grader; misread 1 out of every 6 words, which are more likely to be content words that are important for comprehension, not function words (e.g., the, and, on); focus on individual words or phrases instead of the meanings of sentences and passages; read in a monotone voice, indicating lack of text comprehension; and show little knowledge of spelling-sound correspondence.

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