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Title:  A Study of Classroom Literacy Interventions and Outcomes in Even Start
Description: The report, A Study of Classroom Literacy Interventions and Outcomes in Even Start, presents findings from the 2-year implementation of research-based, literacy-focused preschool and parenting education curricula in 120 Even Start Family Literacy projects. The Classroom Literacy Interventions and Outcomes (CLIO) study examined whether the CLIO preschool and parenting education curricula are more effective than existing Even Start instructional services and the extent to which the CLIO parenting education curricula add value to the CLIO preschool curricula.

The evaluation found that the CLIO curricula had statistically significant, positive impacts on some of the hypothesized precursors to the development of children’s early literacy skills, including instructional supports for literacy, child social competence, and parenting skills; but did not have statistically significant impacts on the child language development and literacy outcomes. The evaluation also found that the CLIO parenting curricula did not significantly add value to the CLIO preschool curricula with respect to child outcomes.
Online Availability:
Cover Date: September 2008
Web Release: September 30, 2008
Print Release:
Publication #: NCEE 20084028
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Center/Program: NCEE
Type of Product: Evaluation Report
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