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Title:  The Effects of Hybrid Algebra I on Teaching Practices, Classroom Quality, and Adolescent Learning
Description: For report NCEE 2012-4020 Effects of the Kentucky Virtual Schools' hybrid program for algebra I on grade 9 student math achievement

This data file contains data from a randomized control trial quantifies the effectiveness of the Kentucky Virtual Schools’ hybrid program for algebra I, an intervention combining online instruction with face-to-face classroom teaching to increase student learning and achievement in grade 9 algebra I. The findings indicate that the students in the treatment group did not achieve scores on the prealgebra/algebra portion of the PLAN that were significantly different (higher or lower) than did students in the control group. Nor were students in the treatment group significantly more or less likely than students in the control group to enroll in a math course above algebra I the year after the intervention. A volunteer sample contained 6,908 students in 47 schools (30 of which are in rural areas)
Online Availability:
Cover Date: November 2012
Web Release: November 26, 2012
Print Release:
Publication #: NCEE 20124026
General Ordering Information
Center/Program: NCEE
Associated Centers: REL
Type of Product: Data File
Questions: For questions about the content of this Data File, please contact:
Erin Pollard.