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Title:  Does a Summer Reading Program Based on Lexiles Affect Reading Comprehension?
Description: For report NCEE 2012-4006 Does a Summer Reading Program Based on Lexiles Affect Reading Comprehension?

This data file contains data from a randomized control trial that examined the whether sending students eight free books over the summer impacted their reading comprehension scores in the fall. The study found that the summer reading program did not have a statistically significant impact on student reading comprehension. The baseline sample consisted of 1,785 students (896 treatment and 889 control) in 112 schools. Eighty-eight percent of students in both groups (791 treatment and 780 control) completed the SRI, yielding a final analytic sample of 1,571 students. Eighty-four percent of students in the treatment group (n=750) and 83 percent in the control group (n=734) completed the summer reading survey.
Online Availability:
Cover Date: November 2012
Web Release: November 26, 2012
Print Release:
Publication #: NCEE 20124043
General Ordering Information
Center/Program: NCEE
Type of Product: Data File
Questions: For questions about the content of this Data File, please contact:
Erin Pollard.