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Title:  "Have We Identified Effective Teachers? Validating Measures of Effective Teaching Using Random Assignment"
Description: This study tested whether a measure created by study authors could identify teachers who are effective at increasing student achievement. The authors used 2009-10 school year data to create a single composite measure of teacher effectiveness; this composite measure included estimates of teacher value-added to student test scores, data from classroom observations of teachers, and responses to student surveys. Then, for the following school year (2010-11), the authors randomly assigned classrooms of students to teachers (to ensure that there were no measured or unmeasured differences in students assigned to each teacher) and then followed the students' academic progress throughout the school year. The authors compared the students' actual academic achievement with their predicted achievement to determine how well the teacher effectiveness measure identified teachers who were improving student performance beyond their expected gains.
Online Availability:
Cover Date: January 2013
Web Release: January 30, 2013
Publication #: WWC QR13221
Center/Program: WWC
Associated Centers: NCEE
Type of Product: Quick Review
Questions: For questions about the content of this Quick Review, please contact:
Erin Pollard.