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Title:  Academic Music: Music Instruction to Engage Third-Grade Students in Learning Basic Fraction Concepts
Description: The study reviewed by the WWC, Academic Music: Music Instruction to Engage Third-Grade Students in Learning Basic Fraction Concepts, examined the effectiveness of using music instruction to teach basic fraction concepts to third-grade students. Sixty-seven students in four classrooms from one northern California elementary school were nonrandomly selected to either receive music instruction or regular math instruction for learning fraction concepts. Researchers then analyzed student performance on a music notation test, a fraction concepts test, and a fraction computation worksheet. The research described in this report does not meet WWC evidence standards because the intervention was implemented by a single team consisting of a music teacher and a university researcher. Their teaching abilities may have affected student achievement even in the absence of the intervention, and it is not possible to separate the effect of the intervention from the effect of their teaching abilities.
Online Availability:
Cover Date: July 2012
Web Release: July 31, 2012
Publication #: WWC SSRM12
Center/Program: WWC
Associated Centers: NCEE
Type of Product: Single Study Review
Arts Education
Questions: For questions about the content of this Single Study Review, please contact:
Erin Pollard.