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Title:  Accelerated Middle Schools
Description: Accelerated middle schools are self-contained academic programs designed to help middle school students who are behind grade level catch up with their age peers. If these students begin high school with other students their age, the hope is that they will be more likely to stay in school and graduate. The programs serve students who are one to two years behind grade level and give them the opportunity to cover an additional year of curriculum during their one to two years in the program. Accelerated middle schools can be structured as separate schools or as schools within a traditional middle school.
Online Availability:
Cover Date: July 2008
Web Release: July 8, 2008
Publication #: WWC IRDPAM08
Center/Program: WWC
Type of Product: Intervention Report
Questions: For questions about the content of this Intervention Report, please contact:
NCES WebMaster.