Monthly School Survey Dashboard

The School Survey Dashboard provides insights into learning opportunities offered by schools during the COVID-19 pandemic. The survey will contribute to IES's response to the Executive Order on Supporting the Reopening and Continuing Operation of Schools and Early Childhood Education Providers. Results from this new pilot survey will also be available for analyzing the 2022 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) data—contributing additional contextual factors for understanding educational outcomes of the nation's fourth- and eighth-grade students. The survey is scheduled to collect data five times, once a month from February through June of 2021. See more information about the sample and how to interpret results.

Data (including participation rates, percentage estimates, and standard errors) are available for download for grade 4, grade 8, and for grades 4 and 8 combined.

On the dashboard, you will find answers to the following questions:

  1. To what degree did schools offer remote only, hybrid, or full-time in-person instruction at the time of data collection (February 22 - March 12)?
  2. What was the proportion of students overall and by various student groups enrolled in each instructional mode in January?
  3. What type of hybrid model was offered in January?
  4. On average, how many days were students offered in-person instruction under the hybrid instructional mode in January?
  5. How many hours of synchronous (i.e., live) instruction did students receive on average daily under the remote learning mode in January?
  6. Which student groups received priority for in-person instruction in January?
  • 42 states participated | 3,300 of 5,000 sampled schools responded
  • 77 percent of public schools with fourth or eighth grade were open for hybrid or full-time in-person learning at the time of data collection, while 23 percent of schools offered only remote or online instruction

Data (including participation rates, percentage estimates, and standard errors) are available for download for grade 4, grade 8, and for grades 4 and 8 combined.

On the dashboard, you will find answers to the following questions:

  1. To what degree did schools offer remote only, hybrid, or full-time in-person instruction in February?
  2. What was the proportion of students overall and by various student groups enrolled in each instructional mode in February?
  3. What was the attendance rate for each instructional mode in February by various student groups?
  4. What type of hybrid model was offered in February?
  5. On average, how many days were students offered in-person instruction under the hybrid instructional mode in February?
  6. How many hours of synchronous (i.e., live) instruction did students receive on average daily under the remote learning mode in February?
  7. Which student groups received priority for in-person instruction in February?
  8. What percentage of teachers have received at least one shot of a COVID-19 vaccine in February?
  • 46 states/jurisdictions participated | 4,400 of 6,100 sampled schools responded
  • 80 percent of public schools with fourth or eighth grade were open for hybrid or full-time in-person learning in February, while 20 percent of schools offered only remote or online instruction
  • About half (49%) of public schools with fourth or eighth grade were open full-time in-person for all students in February

Data (including participation rates, percentage estimates, and standard errors) are available for download for grade 4, grade 8, and for grades 4 and 8 combined.

On the dashboard, you will find answers to the following questions:

  1. To what degree did schools offer remote only, hybrid, or full-time in-person instruction in March?
  2. What was the proportion of students overall and by various student groups enrolled in each instructional mode in March?
  3. What was the attendance rate for each instructional mode in March by various student groups?
  4. What type of hybrid model was offered in March?
  5. On average, how many days were students offered in-person instruction under the hybrid instructional mode in March?
  6. How many hours of synchronous (i.e., live) instruction did students receive on average daily under the remote learning mode in March?
  7. Which student groups received priority for in-person instruction in March?
  8. What percentage of teachers have received at least one shot of a COVID-19 vaccine in March?
  • 46 states/jurisdictions participated | 4,300 of 6,100 sampled schools responded
  • 88 percent of public schools with fourth or eighth grade were open for hybrid or full-time in-person learning in March, while 12 percent of schools offered only remote or online instruction
  • Over half (54%) of public schools with fourth or eighth grade were open full-time in-person for all students in March

Data (including participation rates, percentage estimates, and standard errors) are available for download for grade 4, grade 8, and for grades 4 and 8 combined.

On the dashboard, you will find answers to the following questions:

  1. To what degree did schools offer remote only, hybrid, or full-time in-person instruction in April?
  2. What was the proportion of students overall and by various student groups enrolled in each instructional mode in April?
  3. What was the attendance rate for each instructional mode in April by various student groups?
  4. What type of hybrid model was offered in April?
  5. On average, how many days were students offered in-person instruction under the hybrid instructional mode in April?
  6. How many hours of synchronous (i.e., live) instruction did students receive on average daily under the remote learning mode in April?
  7. Which student groups received priority for in-person instruction in April?
  8. What percentage of teachers have received at least one shot of a COVID-19 vaccine in April?
  • 46 states/jurisdictions participated | 4,100 of 6,100 sampled schools responded
  • 96 percent of public schools with fourth or eighth grade were open for hybrid or full-time in-person learning in April, while 4 percent of schools offered only remote or online instruction
  • 59 percent of public schools with fourth or eighth grade were open full-time in-person for all students in April

Data (including participation rates, percentage estimates, and standard errors) are available for download for grade 4, grade 8, and for grades 4 and 8 combined.

On the dashboard, you will find answers to the following questions:

  1. To what degree did schools offer remote only, hybrid, or full-time in-person instruction in May?
  2. What was the proportion of students overall and by various student groups enrolled in each instructional mode in May?
  3. What was the attendance rate for each instructional mode in May by various student groups?
  4. What type of hybrid model was offered in May?
  5. On average, how many days were students offered in-person instruction under the hybrid instructional mode in May?
  6. How many hours of synchronous (i.e., live) instruction did students receive on average daily under the remote learning mode in May?
  7. Which student groups received priority for in-person instruction in May?
  8. What percentage of teachers have received at least one shot of a COVID-19 vaccine in May?
  • 46 states/jurisdictions participated | 4,100 of 6,100 sampled schools responded
  • 98 percent of public schools with fourth or eighth grade were open for hybrid or full-time in-person learning in May, while 2 percent of schools offered only remote or online instruction
  • 63 percent of public schools with fourth or eighth grade were open full-time in-person for all students in May

These dashboards summarize trends for two survey questions:

  1. What are the trends for schools offering remote only, hybrid, or full-time in-person instruction?
  2. What are the trends for the proportion of students overall and by various student groups enrolled in each instructional mode?
  3. What are the trends in student enrollment based on what mode schools offered?

Data (including participation rates, percentage estimates, and standard errors) are available for download for grade 4, grade 8, and for grades 4 and 8 combined.

  • A higher percentage of schools with fourth or eighth grade offered full-time in-person or hybrid instruction in May than April
  • Higher percentages of fourth- and eighth-grade students overall enrolled in full-time in-person instruction in May than April

* Significantly different (p < .05) from current month.

NOTE: Results are shown for jurisdictions when the response rate is 70 percent or higher. Results are shown for the nation when response rates are higher than 50 percent and the responses represented schools across regions and school locations.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Education Statistics, Monthly School Survey.