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Products and publications
Product: This project team developed a new version of A2i, a cloud-based technology tool to support individualized (or differentiated or personalized) instruction to result in a district and school-wide platform for improving all K-3rd grade students' literacy achievement. The final product preserves the essential functionality of A2i that is associated with stronger student outcomes, while modernizing and optimizing the underlying structure. Key components include assessment and data-based decision tools for teachers including algorithm-based recommended reading instruction; planning and organizing literacy instruction tools; planning tools to help teachers deliver the intervention; and professional development tools.
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Supplemental information
Phase I Amount: $150,000
Phase I Period: 6 months
Phase II Amount: $900,000
Phase II Period: 2 years
After development was completed, the researchers tested the usability and feasibility, fidelity of implementation, and the promise of the product to improve student outcomes in 20 kindergarten to grade 3 classrooms. Teachers implemented the A2i program over the school year and student progress was measured using state Common Core reading assessments. The research team found that educators reported that the platform was feasible to implement in classroom settings and that the reading performance of students in all classes increased from the pre- to the post- test. In addition, the researchers provided the product to and surveyed 149 educators who had participated in past efficacy trials using the previous version of the A2i. Findings indicated that 95% of educators rated the site's user friendliness as above average or excellent and 77% reported that the new technology would simplify or dramatically reduce their lesson planning time.
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