Project Activities
JGCP and KCKPS have a long history of working together on research and implementation projects. This project moved them from collaboration to a sustainable partnership through creation of a Partnership Council and an Advisory Research Team (ART), which included stakeholders from both JGCP and KCKPS. This also moved the focus of the partnership from being investigator-led to a joint venture. ART worked to ensure that research aims were beneficial to all stakeholders and established and document procedures governing the operation of the Partnership, including how research topics were chosen and how results were utilized.
Structured Abstract
This project took place in 43 schools within Kansas City, Kansas Public Schools.
Approximately 149 supervising teachers and paraprofessionals, 6 administrators, and 62 students participated.
Paraprofessionals are often the frontline academic and behavior support for students with disabilities or at risk for disabilities in classrooms. Federal data indicated that as of 2010, states employed more than 400,000 paraprofessionals to work with students ages 6 to 21 who receive special education services. The range of duties required of paraprofessionals varied widely, including, but not limited to, behavior management, assignment completion support, one-to-one support, and instructional and tutoring support. Despite the importance of paraprofessional support in the classroom, little research existed regarding paraprofessionals' specific training needs or the best way to train paraprofessionals to support their use of effective instructional and behavioral management practices.
Initial research
This project team used a mixed method approach that included field observations, descriptive statistical analysis, surveys, and single case design.
Key measures
The team measured instructional practices as well as level of knowledge, range of responsibilities, time use, and training needs of elementary paraprofessionals.
Data analytic strategy
Researchers conducted a survey of paraprofessionals and supervising teachers to look at the responsibilities and training needs of paraprofessionals. To evaluate paraprofessionals' use of effective instruction practices, researchers conducted direct observations of 50 paraprofessional/student dyads during math and reading activities. The Multi-Option Observation System for Experimental Studies (MOOSES) and Observer Impression Scale guided these observations. A variety of relevant descriptive statistical analyses were used to analyze the results. Researchers conducted three focus groups and the transcripts were coded for themes and perspectives expressed by the stakeholders. The final step in the project was to define a Knowledge, Application, and Impact in Training (KAIT) model describing essential components of paraprofessional training programs based on data collected in the first two phases. Two selected skills from this model were pilot-tested using a multiple baseline single-case design with paraprofessional/student dyads to determine training effectiveness.
Key outcomes
The main findings from this project were:
- The team found a correlation between higher rates of paraeducator-delivered opportunities to respond and increased student engagement. They also learned that paraeducators infrequently used core, evidence-based instructional approaches, and students often were not engaged. (Mason et al., 2020).
- Teacher-led coaching was feasible and effective for increasing paraeducators' momentary time sampling data collection accuracy and the accuracy maintained 1–2 months following cessation of formal coaching sessions (Mason et al., 2019).
People and institutions involved
IES program contact(s)
Products and publications
ERIC Citations: Find available citations in ERIC for this award here.
Select Publications:
Mason, R.A., Schnitz, A.G., Gerow, S., An, Z.G., and Wills, H.P. (2019).Effects of teacher-implemented coaching to increase the accuracy of data collected by paraeducators. Journal of Behavioral Education, 28(2), 204-226.
Mason, R.A., Schnitz, A.G., Wills, H.P., Rosenbloom, R., Kamps, D.M., Bast, D. (2017).Impact of a teacher-as-coach model: Improving paraprofessionals fidelity of implementation of discrete trial training for students with moderate-to-severe developmental disabilities. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 47(6): 1696-1707.
Mason, R. A., Wills, H. P., Irvin, D., Jia, F., & Kamps, D. M. (2020). Ecobehavioral assessment of paraeducator behaviors that support engagement of students with disabilities. Exceptional Children, 86(4), 413-429.
Wills, H. P., Mason, R., Gregori, E., and Veatch, M. (2019).Effects of self-monitoring on the praise rates of paraprofessionals for students with emotional and behavioral disorders. The Elementary School Journal, 119(4), 562-579.
Supplemental information
Co-Principal Investigators: Colvin, Michelle; Shaw, Kimberly
Partnership Institutions: Juniper Gardens Children's Project; University of Kansas (JGCP); Kansas City, Kansas Public Schools (KCKPS)
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