Project Activities
Structured Abstract
Research design and methods
Control condition
Key measures
Data analytic strategy
People and institutions involved
IES program contact(s)
Products and publications
Products: Products of this development project include a fully developed, web-based intelligent tutoring system, SimStudent, designed to support student mastery of linear equations. Additionally, a meta-tutor will be developed that monitors students' suggestions for SimStudent and provides scaffolded feedback to the students. Published reports of the research findings will also be produced.
Book chapter
Matsuda, N., Griger, C.L., Barbalios, N., Stylianides, G.J., Cohen, W. W., and Koedinger, K. R. (2014). Investigating the Effect of Meta-cognitive Scaffolding for Learning by Teaching. In S. Trausan-Matu, K.E. Boyer, M. Crosby, and K. Panourgia (Eds.), Intelligent Tutoring Systems. ITS 2014. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (pp. 104-113). Springer.
Journal article, monograph, or newsletter
Li, N., Matsuda, N., Cohen, W.W., and Koedinger, K.R. (2015). Integrating Representation Learning and Skill Learning in a Human-like Intelligent Agent. Artificial Intelligence, 219: 67-91.
Matsuda, N., Yarzebinski, E., Keiser, V., Raizada, R., Cohen, W.W., Stylianides, G.J., and Koedinger, K.R. (2013). Cognitive Anatomy of Tutor Learning: Lessons Learned with SimStudent. Journal of Educational Psychology, 105(4): 1152-1163.
Matsuda, N., Yarzebinski, E., Keiser, V., Raizada, R., Stylianides, G.J., and Koedinger, K.R. (2013). Studying the Effect of a Competitive Game Show in a Learning by Teaching Environment. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 23(1): 1-21.
Carlson, R., Keiser, V., Matsuda, N., Koedinger, K., and Penstein Rosé, C. (2012). Building a Conversational SimStudent. In Intelligent Tutoring Systems: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (pp. 563-569). Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-30950-2
Li, N., Cohen, W., Koedinger, K.R., and Matsuda, N. (2011). A Machine Learning Approach for Automatic Student Model Discovery. In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Educational Data Mining (pp. 31-40). Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
Li, N., Matsuda, N., Cohen, W. W., and Koedinger, K. R. (2012). Towards a Computational Model of Why Some Students Learn Faster than Others. In AAAI Fall Symposium: Cognitive and Metacognitive Educational Systems. MacLellan, C. J., Harpstead, E., Wiese, E.S., Zou, M., Matsuda, N., Aleven, V., and Koedinger, K.R. (2015). Authoring Tutors with Complex Solutions: A Comparative Analysis of Example Tracing and SimStudent. In Workshops at the 17th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education AIED (pp. 35-44).
MacLellan, C.J., Koedinger, K.R., and Matsuda, N. (2014). Authoring Tutors with SimStudent: An Evaluation of Efficiency and Model Quality. In International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (pp. 551-560).
MacLellan, C.J., Wiese, E.S., Matsuda, N., and Koedinger, K.R. (2015). SimStudent: Authoring Expert Models by Tutoring. In Proceedings of the 2nd Annual GIFT Users Symposium (pp. 25-32).
Matsuda, N., Cohen, W.W., Koedinger, K.R., and Stylianides, G. (2010). Learning to Solve Algebraic Equations by Teaching a Computer Agent. In Proceedings of the Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Volume 2 (pp. 69).
Matsuda, N., Keiser, V., Raizada, R., Tu, A., Stylianides, G., Cohen, W.W., and Koedinger, K.R. (2010). Learning by Teaching SimStudent: Technical Accomplishments and an Initial Use With Students. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (pp. 317-326). Heidelberg, Germany: Springer.
Matsuda, N., Keiser, V., Raizada, R., Yarzebinski, E., Watson, S., and Stylianides, G.J. (2012). Studying the Effect of Tutor Learning Using a Teachable Agent That Asks the Student Tutor for Explanations. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Digital Game and Intelligent Toy Enhanced Learning (DIGITEL 2012) (pp. 25-32). Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE Computer Society.
Matsuda, N., Yarzebinski, E., Keiser, V., Raizada, R., Cohen, W.W., Stylianides, G., and Koedinger, K. R. (2012). Shallow Learning as a Pathway for Successful Learning Both for Tutors and Tutees. In Proceedings of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 731-736).
Matsuda, N., Yarzebinski, E., Keiser, V., Raizada, R., Stylianides, G., and Cohen, W.W. (2012). Motivational Factors for Learning by Teaching: The Effect of a Competitive Game Show in a Virtual Peer-Learning Environment. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (pp. 101-111). Heidelberg, Germany: Springer-Verlag.
Matsuda, N., Yarzebinski, E., Keiser, V., Raizada, R., Stylianides, G., Cohen, W., and Koedinger, K. (2011). Learning by Teaching SimStudent-An Initial Classroom Baseline Study Comparing with Cognitive Tutor. In Artificial Intelligence in Education (pp. 213-221). Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer.
Ogan, A., Finkelstein, S., Mayfield, E., D'Adamo, C., Matsuda, N., and Cassell, J. (2012). Oh Dear Stacy!: Social Interaction, Elaboration, and Learning with Teachable Agents. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 39-48). New York, NY: ACM.
Ogan, A., Finkelstein, S.L., Walker, E., Carlson, R., and Cassell, J. (2012). Rudeness and Rapport: Insults and Learning Gains in Peer Tutoring. In ITS (pp. 11-21).
Rosenberg-Kima, R.B., and Pardos, Z.A. (2015). Is this Model for Real? Simulating Data to Reveal the Proximity of a Model to Reality. In Second Workshop on Simulated Learners: AIED 2015 Workshop Proceedings (pp. 78-87).
Supplemental information
Co-Principal Investigators: Koedinger, Kenneth R.; Cohen, William W.; Stylianides, Gabriel
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