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Products and publications
Product: Loomvue will be an online program to support students in middle and high school who are English learners in reading passages in English. Researchers will present the product as what linguists refer to as "diglot weave" passages that blend English and Spanish words together, with a machine learning engine continually flipping or adjusting the words from one language to the other as readers gain skill in the target language. A Brower extension-based plug-in application will be available to be used with any website content. A website will include a dashboard to provide teachers with formative assessment results to inform practice on student vocabulary acquisition and reading comprehension, and professional development modules on how to integrate the intervention into their classroom practice.
Project website:
Supplemental information
Video Demonstration of the Phase I Prototype:
In Phase II, the team will fully develop the mobile app with a browser extension, a machine learning algorithm to handle more speech and word phrases, and the functionality of educator dashboards. After development is complete, the researchers will complete a pilot study to examine the product's usability and feasibility, fidelity of implementation, and promise to increase vocabulary acquisition, reading comprehension, and attitudes about reading compared to regular instructional practices. The study will include 20 middle schools with higher proportions of students who are English Learners. Students who are English Learners in half of the schools will be randomly assigned to use Loomvue and English Learners in the other half of schools will complete business-as-usual activities. Pre- to post- scores will be examine using standardized measures including the Gates-MacGinitie Reading Tests. The researchers will gather cost information using the "ingredients method" and will include all expenditures on things such as personnel, facilities, equipment, materials, and training.
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