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Products and publications
Product: In a prior project, the company developed MusiQuest, an app-based program for individuals to learn about, create, and play music. In this project, the team is developing the version of MusiQuest for implementation as a school-based program for students in grades 3 to 5 to learn the fundamentals of music. The product will include a composition interface with 99 unique 30-minute content modules to differentiate levels of learning; games for skill-based practice that provide students feedback for concepts more difficult to master; and an implementation dashboard for educators without a formal music background. The app-based program is designed for implementation in the absence of a trained music educator and without musical instruments, although music teachers can use it in coordination with actual instruments. MusiQuest will run on all desktops, laptops, and tablets, and many smartphones.
Supplemental information
Video Demonstration of the Phase I Prototype:
In Phase II of the project, the team will fully develop the product, by strengthening the functionality of the modules and by integrating images, videos, and voiceover instruction; finalizing the educator dashboard to deliver each module and to monitor individual student and class progress; and by creating games to reinforce concepts such as identifying instrument sounds, detecting rhythms and tempos, and matching patterns. The researchers will iteratively refine the modules with feedback from educators and students at major production milestones until the product is fully functional. After development concludes, researchers will carry out a pilot study to test the feasibility and usability, fidelity of implementation, and the promise of the product to improve student learning of and attitudes toward music. Researchers will collect data from 30 Grade 3 classrooms, with half randomly assigned to use the product and the other half to participate in typical classroom activities not involving music. Researchers will compare pre-and-post scores for student music learning using an established measure adapted from the National Association for Music Education Model Cornerstone Assessments, as well as researcher developed items to understand student motivation for students' attitudes toward music, the arts, and a career in the arts. Researchers will gather cost information using the "ingredients method" and will include expenditures on things such as personnel, facilities, equipment, materials, and training.
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