Project Activities
Structured Abstract
Research design and methods
Control condition
Key measures
Data analytic strategy
People and institutions involved
IES program contact(s)
Products and publications
Products: The products of this project will be a set of 40 fully developed Algebra I assignments and accompanying assessments and teacher professional development workshop materials. Additional products will include published reports.
Book chapter
Booth, J.L., McGinn, K.M., Barbieri, C., and Young, L.L. (2016). Misconceptions and Learning Algebra. And the Rest is Just Algebra (pp. 63-78).
Booth, J.L., McGinn, K.M., Barbieri, C., Begolli, K.N., Chang, B., Miller-Cotto, D., Young, L.K., and Davenport, J.L. (2017). Evidence for Cognitive Science Principles that Impact Learning in Mathematics. In D. Geary, D.B. Berch, R. Ochsendorf and K. Koepke (Eds.), Acquisition of Complex Arithmetic Skills and Higher-Order Mathematics Concepts (pp. 297-325). Academic Press.
Journal article, monograph, or newsletter
Augustine, A.A., Larsen, R.J., and Elliot, A.J. (2013). Affect Is Greater Than, Not Equal to, Condition: Condition and Person Effects in Affective Priming Paradigms. Journal of Personality, 81 (4): 355-364.
Barbieri, C., and Booth, J.L. (2016). Support for Struggling Students in Algebra: Contributions of Incorrect Worked Examples. Learning and Individual Differences, 48 : 36-44.
Booth, J.L., Barbieri, C., Eyer, F., and Pare-Blagoev, E.J. (2014). Persistent and Pernicious Errors in Algebraic Problem Solving. Journal of Problem Solving, 7 (1): 10-23.
Booth, J.L., Cooper, L.A., Donovan, M.S., Huyghe, A., Koedinger, K.R., and Paré-Blagoev, E.J. (2015). Design-Based Research within the Constraints of Practice: AlgebraByExample. Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk, 20 (1): 79-100.
Booth, J.L., McGinn, K.M., Young, L.K., and Barbieri, C. (2015). Simple Practice Doesn't Always Make Perfect Evidence From the Worked Example Effect. Policy Insights From the Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 2 (1): 24-32.
Booth, J.L., Oyer, M.H., Paré-Blagoev, E.J., Elliot, A.J., Barbieri, C., Augustine, A., and Koedinger, K.R. (2015). Learning Algebra by Example in Real-World Classrooms. Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness, 8 (4): 530-551.
Lange, K.E., Booth, J.L., and Newton, K.J. (2014). Learning Algebra From Worked Examples. Mathematics Teacher, 107 (7): 534-540.
O'Shea, A., Booth, J.L., Barbieri, C., McGinn, K.M., Young, L.K., and Oyer, M.H. (2017). Algebra Performance and Motivation Differences for Students With Learning Disabilities and Students of Varying Achievement Levels. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 50 : 80-96.
Corbet, N., Booth, J.L., Barbieri, C., and Young, L.K. (2016). Exploring the Relationship Between Adolescents' Interest in Algebra and Procedural Declines. In Proceedings of the 38th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 592-595).
Supplemental information
Co-Principal Investigators: Julie Booth, Kenneth Koedinger, Andrew Elliot, and Juliana Paré-Blagoev
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To answer additional questions about this project or provide feedback, please contact the program officer.