Evaluation Report
Lessons from the First Statewide Family Engagement Centers: Alignment with Federal Priorities and Factors Influencing Implementation
McCallum, D., Martinez, A., Waits, T., & Mugo, E.
Publication date:
October 2024
Publication number:
NCEE 2025002
This report describes the implementation efforts of the first grantees under the Statewide Family Engagement Centers (SFEC) and how they aligned with program priorities. Begun in 2018, SFEC is one of the key U.S. Department of Education programs designed to address disparities in family engagement in schools. The program provides grants to selected partnerships of education organizations and their states to deliver services and disseminate technical assistance resources to further family-school engagement. The study was designed to provide early lessons about the program, including the extent to which implementation reflected the 2018 federal emphasis on providing services directly to families and schools, using specific approaches, topics, and ways of collaborating among partners, and serving mostly disadvantaged families and districts with high concentrations of students from such families. The study also examined the factors that influenced grantee implementation, including challenges in carrying out their program efforts that coincided with the height of the COVID-19 pandemic and immediately after.