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November 2009

From the National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance (NCEE)

Reinventing the Regional Educational Laboratories

IES is reaching out to practitioners and policy leaders for their guidance on how best to support their work through the 10 nationwide Regional Educational Laboratories. The IES-funded regional labs are charged with supporting applied research and development, disseminating school improvement practices widely, and providing technical assistance to education agencies in their regions.

The Institute is refining its vision for this regional outreach as part of the upcoming REL program competition and, as part of this process, solicited feedback from thousands of superintendents, principals and state policy makers in letters and through the IES website.

"As we approach the time for awarding new contracts for the RELs, we are looking to improve our services to REL stakeholders—those of you working on the ground to make a difference in the lives of school children," Dr. Easton wrote in his letter to school leaders. "We need your help in determining what is working, what needs to be improved and the kind of resources and services educators most need from their regional labs."