WWC Summary of Evidence for this Intervention

Open Court Reading©

Open Court Reading© is a reading program for grades K–6 that is designed to teach decoding, comprehension, inquiry, and writing in a three-part progression. Part One of each unit, Preparing to Read, focuses on phonemic awareness, sounds and letters, phonics, fluency, and word knowledge. Part Two, Reading and Responding, emphasizes reading literature for understanding, comprehension, inquiry, and practical reading applications. Part Three, Language Arts, focuses on writing, spelling, grammar, usage, mechanics, and basic computer skills.

Reviewed Research

October 2014

As of October 2014, no studies of Open Court Reading© were found that fell within the scope of the Beginning Reading review protocol and met WWC evidence standards. Therefore, the WWC is unable to draw any research based conclusions about the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of Open Court Reading© to improve outcomes in this area.

December 2005

As of December 2005, no studies of Open Court Reading© were found that fell within the scope of the Early Childhood Education review protocol and met WWC evidence standards. Therefore, the WWC is unable to draw any research based conclusions about the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of Open Court Reading© to improve outcomes in this area.

August 2012

As of August 2012, no studies of Open Court Reading© were found that fell within the scope of the Adolescent Literacy review protocol and met WWC evidence standards. Therefore, the WWC is unable to draw any research based conclusions about the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of Open Court Reading© to improve outcomes in this area.

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