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A teacher with students

Steer Your Way to Evidence-Based Interventions

Image of Wheel Research has shown over a dozen interventions improve outcomes in early childhood education. Visit the WWC's Find What Works tool to search for evidence-based strategies, programs, and practices to support the children in your classroom.

Reach a Range of Skills

Preparing children to be school-ready requires addressing a broad set of skills. Fortunately, the WWC looks at research evaluating interventions on many of those competencies. Filter by domain to see interventions that been proven to improve children’s performance on one or more of eight domains: cognition, socio-emotional development, oral language, language competencies, phonological processing, print knowledge, early reading and writing, and mathematics achievement.

Adjust the Attention on One Student, or Many

Stuck on how to help a struggling student? Or maybe you need new ideas for whole-class instruction? Find What Works can help with that, too. Learn about instructional programs or practices that can be delivered to individual children, taught in small groups, or presented in whole-class settings.

A student walking with a backpack

Return to the main page to learn more about finding evidence-based strategies, programs, and practices to start preschoolers on the journey to academic success.

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