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IES Grant

Title: Teacher Quality Study: An Investigation of the Impact of Teacher Study Groups as a Means to Enhance The Quality of Reading Instruction for First Graders in High Poverty Schools in Two States
Center: NCER Year: 2003
Principal Investigator: Gersten, Russell Awardee: Instructional Research Group
Program: Teaching, Teachers, and the Education Workforce      [Program Details]
Award Period: 4 years Award Amount: $2,820,670
Type: Efficacy and Replication Award Number: R305M030052

Purpose: In this project, researchers aimed to test the impact of teacher study groups as part of the professional development portion of Reading First, an initiative to improve low-income students’ reading achievement. They proposed to compare the ways in which Reading First activities are implemented in the two different state policy contexts. The researchers were also evaluating the impact of the different professional development approaches on teacher knowledge, observed teaching practice, and student reading outcomes.

Structured Abstract


Reading First includes the use of professional development with teachers in low-performing schools to improve low-income students' reading achievement. Although solid research evidence supports the core classroom practices and instructional assessment principles of Reading First, some of the specific professional practices under consideration for use as part of the Reading First initiative lack such evidence. Research has not yet used rigorous techniques to test these practices sufficiently across a variety of settings (e.g., schools, States and districts).

The project researchers are carrying out studies in two California school districts and two Pennsylvania districts serving a high percentage of English Language Learners and students receiving free and reduced lunch. These two states represent contrasting policy contexts for Reading First reforms: - California is more directive and specific than Pennsylvania about which professional development activities Reading First schools can use. The researchers are randomly assigning schools to two conditions, one that uses teacher study groups as part of professional development, and the other that does not. Both groups of schools are receiving the same number of hours of professional development focused on reading instruction. About 100 teachers and 2,000 students are participating in this study. The researchers are evaluating the impact of the different professional development approaches on teacher knowledge, observed teaching practice, and student reading outcomes. They are also comparing the ways in which Reading First activities are implemented in the two different state policy contexts.

Related IES Projects:
Impact of Teacher Study Groups as Observed Teaching Practice and Student Vocabulary Knowledge: A Multi-Site Randomized Control Trial in First Grade (R305A090294)

Products and Publications

ERIC Citations:  Find available citations in ERIC for this award here.

Select Publications:


Dimino, J., and Taylor, M.J. (2009). Learning How to Improve Vocabulary Instruction Through Teacher Study Groups.Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes.

Book chapters

Gersten, R., Dimino, J., and Jayanthi, M. (2007). Towards the Development of a Nuanced Classroom Observational System for Studying Comprehension and Vocabulary Instruction. In B. Taylor, and J. Ysseldyke (Eds.), Educational Interventions for Struggling Readers(pp. 381–425). New York: Teachers College Press.

Journal articles

Gersten, R., and Dimino, J.A. (2006). RtI (Response to Intervention): Rethinking Special Education For Students With Reading Difficulties (Yet Again). Reading Research Quarterly, 41(1): 99–108.

Gersten, R., Dimino, J., Jayanthi, M., Kim, J., and Santoro, L. (2010). Teacher Study Group: Impact of the Professional Development Model on Reading Instruction and Student Outcomes in First Grade Classrooms. American Educational Research Journal, 47(3): 694–739.


** This project was submitted to and funded under Teacher Quality: Reading and Writing in FY 2003.
