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Perceptions and Expectations of Youth With Disabilities  (NLTS2)
NCSER 2007-3006
September 2007

List of Tables

Table 1

Youth with disabilities' reported perceptions of self attributes, by disability category

Table 2

Youth with disabilities' reported feelings about positive aspects of self and life, by disability category

Table 3

Youth with disabilities' reported feelings about negative aspects of self and life, by disability category

Table 4

Self-realization scores of youth, by disability category

Table 5

Youth with disabilities' perceptions of strengths and interests, by disability category

Table 6

Youth with disabilities' feelings of competence, by disability category

Table 7

Personal autonomy and psychology empowerment scores of youth, by disability category

Table 8

Youth's reported perceptions of academic challenges, by disability category

Table 9

Youth's perceptions of interpersonal challenges at school, by disability category

Table 10

Youth's reported perceptions of school safety, by disability category

Table 11

Youth's reported affiliation with school, by disability category

Table 12

Youth's reported enjoyment of school, by disability category

Table 13

Youth's reported perceptions of being cared about by parents and paid attention to by their families

Table 14

Youth's reported perceptions of relationships with adults and friends, by disability category

Table 15

Reported extent of youth's reliance on family and friends, by disability category

Table 16

Reported extent of youth's reliance on persons other than family and friends for support, by disability category

Table 17

Correlations among youth with disabilities' reported expectations for their future educational and independence attainment

Table 18

Youth with disabilities' reported expectations for their future educational attainment, by disability category

Table 19

Youth with disabilities' reported expectations for their future independence, by disability category

Table A-1

Data sources for variables included in this report

Table A-2

Response rates for NLTS2 Waves 1 and 2 parent/youth data collection

Table A-3

Response rates for NLTS2 youth assessments

Table A-4

Example of weighted percentage calculation

Table A-5

Definitions of disabilities

Table B-1

Primary disability category of youth respondents and those for whom parents responded

Table B-2

Daily living scale scores of youth respondents and those for whom parents responded

Table B-3

Functional characteristics of youth respondents and those for whom parents responded

Table B-4

Age at identification of and first services for disabilities of youth respondents and those for whom parents responded

Table B-5

Demographic characteristics, by disability category