WWC Summary of Evidence for this Intervention

Bridges in Mathematics

Developed by the Math Learning Center with support from the National Science Foundation, Bridges in Mathematics is a grades K–2 curriculum that emphasizes problem solving. It was designed to meet the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) standards and utilizes whole group, small group, and individual instruction. The concepts covered by this curriculum include numbers and operations, data analysis, geometry, probability, sorting, and measurement. Each grade level in the Bridges program provides one year’s worth of mathematics lessons as well as daily basic skills practices, textbooks, homework assignments, teacher guides, student assessments, manipulatives, and visual models.

Reviewed Research

April 2009

As of April 2009, no studies of Bridges in Mathematics were found that fell within the scope of the Elementary School Mathematics review protocol and met WWC evidence standards. Therefore, the WWC is unable to draw any research based conclusions about the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of Bridges in Mathematics to improve outcomes in this area.

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