WWC Summary of Evidence for this Intervention

Voyager Reading Programs

Voyager Passport™ is a supplemental reading intervention system for students in grades K–5. The program integrates five components of reading (phonemic awareness, letter-sound recognition, word reading, sight words, and vocabulary) into a 30–40 minute instructional routine. An assessment and data management system is integrated into the intervention, allowing teachers to monitor progress and differentiate instruction. The program provides instruction, corrective feedback, and practice time in a small group setting. Each level of Voyager Passport™ consists of 120 lessons that are divided into ten-day units called Adventures.

Reviewed Research

March 2010

As of March 2010, no studies of Voyager Reading Programs were found that fell within the scope of the Students with a Specific Learning Disability review protocol and met WWC evidence standards. Therefore, the WWC is unable to draw any research based conclusions about the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of Voyager Reading Programs to improve outcomes in this area.

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