WWC Summary of Evidence for this Intervention

Lovaas Model of Applied Behavior Analysis

The Lovaas Model of Applied Behavior Analysis is a type of behavioral therapy that initially focuses on discrete trials: brief periods of one-on-one instruction, during which a teacher cues a behavior, prompts the appropriate response, and provides reinforcement to the child. Children in the program receive an average of 35–40 hours of intervention per week that consists of in-home one-to-one instruction, facilitated peer play, inclusion and support in regular education classrooms, and generalization activities for transfer of skills to natural environments. In addition, parents are trained in instructional techniques. The intervention generally lasts about 3 years.

Reviewed Research

August 2010
Studies meeting standards Grades
Students Improvement
Cognition Potentially positive effects 1 study meets standards PK 28
Smith, Tristram; Groen, Annette D.; Wynn, Jacqueline W. (2000) PK 28
Communication/ Language No discernible effects 1 study meets standards PK 23 --
Sallows, Glen O.; Graupner, Tamlynn D. (2005) PK 23
Functional abilities No discernible effects 1 study meets standards PK 23 --
Sallows, Glen O.; Graupner, Tamlynn D. (2005) PK 23
Social-emotional development No discernible effects 1 study meets standards PK 23 --
Sallows, Glen O.; Graupner, Tamlynn D. (2005) PK 23

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