WWC review of this study

Middle School Reading Comprehension and Content Learning Intervention for Below-Average Readers [Reading intervention (Swanson et al. (2017)) vs. business as usual]

Swanson, Elizabeth; Wanzek, Jeanne; Vaughn, Sharon; Fall, Anna-Maria; Roberts, Greg; Hall, Colby; Miller, Veronica L. (2017). Reading & Writing Quarterly, v33 n1 p37-53. Retrieved from: https://eric.ed.gov/?id=EJ1126717

  • Randomized Controlled Trial

Reviewed: November 2021

Does not meet WWC standards

Evidence Tier rating based solely on this study. This intervention may achieve a higher tier when combined with the full body of evidence.

Study sample characteristics were not reported.

Reviewed: September 2018

Does not meet WWC standards

Evidence Tier rating based solely on this study. This intervention may achieve a higher tier when combined with the full body of evidence.

Study sample characteristics were not reported.

In the case of multiple manuscripts that report on one study, the WWC selects one manuscript as the primary citation and lists other manuscripts that describe the study as additional sources.

  • Scammacca, NK. and Stillman, SJ. (2018). The Effect of a Social Studies–Based Reading Intervention on the Academic Vocabulary Knowledge of below-Average Readers. Reading and Writing Quarterly, 34(4), 322-337.


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