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Patterns in the Identification of and Outcomes for Children and Youth With Disabilities
NCEE 2010-4005
January 2010

ES.4: Parent and teacher reported communication outcomes at 36 months of age and kindergarten for former EI participants

Outcome Percent SE N
Parent report: 36 months of age
Communicates needs as well as other children 41.7 1.39 2,670
When child talks to other people she/he doesn't know well, she/he is very easy to understand 18.8 1.29 2,644
All age-expected communication milestones mastered 29.0 0.99 2,651
Parent report: kindergarten
Communicates needs as well as other children 59.9 1.49 2,280
When child talks to other people she/he doesn't know well, she/he is very easy to understand 39.7 1.10 2,165
All age-expected communication milestones mastered 36.9 2.02 2,095
Understands verbal and nonverbal communication as well as other children 63.0 1.37 2,275
Teacher report: kindergarten
Understands others as expected for age 59.7 0.86 1,539
Communicates with others as expected for age 50.0 1.28 1,549
Exhibit reads: When former early intervention participants were 36 months of age, parents of 41.7 percent reported that the children communicated their needs as well as other children their age.
NOTE: Data are weighted to be nationally representative. Cohort began to receive early intervention services between September 1997 and November 1998.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs, National Early Intervention Longitudinal Study (NEILS), parent interviews and kindergarten teacher survey (public use dataset), 2007.