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Patterns in the Identification of and Outcomes for Children and Youth With Disabilities
NCEE 2010-4005
January 2010

Exhibit ES.9. Percentage of 6- through 12-year-olds identified for IDEA services in December 1999 who were declassified by spring 2002, by disability category

Exhibit ES.9. Percentage of 6- through 12-year-olds identified for IDEA services in December 1999 who were declassified by spring 2002, by disability category

Exhibit reads: Nine percent of 6- through 12-year-olds who had been identified for IDEA services under the category of specific learning disabilities in December 1999 were reported by schools or parents not to be receiving special education services as of spring 2002.

# Rounds to zero.

NOTE: Disability categories are: specific learning disabilities (SLD), speech or language impairments (SP), mental retardation (MR), emotional disturbance (ED), hearing impairments (HI), visual impairments (VI), orthopedic impairments (OI), other health impairments (OHI), autism (AUT), traumatic brain injury (TBI), multiple disabilities (MD), deaf-blindness (DB). The presented confidence intervals represent plus or minus 1.96 multiplied by the standard error.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs, Special Education Elementary Longitudinal Study (SEELS), parent interviews and students' school program survey, 2002. Reported in SEELS (2005).