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Performance Measures

The National Center for Education Research, and IES, assess their program performance on a continuous basis. We report annually selected program performance information, including, for example, Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) goals, objectives, measures, and performance targets and data; and an assessment of the progress made toward achieving program results. Achievement of results is based on the cumulative effect of the Federal resources provided for this program as well as the resources and efforts invested by those served by the program.

For complete information about the FY 2022 budget request for IES, click here.

NCER's investment is supported by the Research, Development, and Dissemination line of the IES budget. Our performance goal is to transform education into an evidence-based field. To support this goal, our performance metrics are intended to measure how we are raising the quality of research funded or conducted by the Department.

In FY 2021, NCER reported on two performance measures.

Measure 1: The minimum percentage of projects that result in peer-reviewed publications.

Measure 2: The minimum number of IES-supported interventions with evidence of efficacy in improving student outcomes.

Measure 2 is assessed by reports of study findings being independently reviewed by the WWC, and determinations by WWC reviewers of evidence of meeting WWC standards and having positive effects on student outcomes. A full list of the reports reviewed by the WWC is available below. The list includes links to the publications when available in ERIC, to the study reviews completed by the WWC, and to the project abstracts that carried out the studies.

Interventions Reviewed for Measure 2