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Title:  Traveling Through Time: The Forum Guide to Longitudinal Data Systems Book I: What is an LDS?
Description: This first book in the guide series focuses on the fundamental questions of what an LDS is (and what it is not), what steps should be taken to achieve a sound system, what components make up an ideal system, and why such a system is of value in education. Chapter 1 introduces this guide series, discussing its purpose, format, and intended audience. Chapter 2 covers some LDS basics, defining the concept of a "longitudinal data system" and laying out key nontechnical steps to planning and developing a successful system. Chapter 3 presents the technical components that generally comprise an LDS, as well as some additional features that may enhance the system. Chapter 4 addresses some common misconceptions regarding longitudinal data systems. Chapter 5 discusses the overarching benefits of an LDS.
Online Availability:
Cover Date: July 2010
Web Release: July 26, 2010
Print Release:
Publication #: NFES 2010805
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General Ordering Information
Center/Program: NFES
Associated Centers: NCES
Type of Product: Guide
Survey/Program Areas: National Forum on Education Statistics (NFES)
Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems Grant Program (SLDS)
Questions: For questions about the content of this Guide, please contact:
NCES WebMaster.