Steps to Applying for IES Grants
Identify a current funding opportunity
Learn more about the application process by attending virtual office hours
Download the Application Submission Guide below, find your Request for Applications and application package (search for ALN 84.305 or ALN 84.324).
Upload important documents
Register or update your organization on and
Submit documents before your deadline
Learn About the Funding Process at IES
The Office of Science is responsible for the scientific peer review process for the grant applications.

Online Resources for Applicants
Need more information about potential funding opportunities? Explore frequently asked questions, attend virtual office hour sessions, or browse available resources.

Unsolicited Grant Opportunities
The Institute of Education Sciences (IES) will consider unsolicited applications for research, evaluation, and statistics projects that would make significant contributions to the mission of the organization.
Under this announcement, we will consider applications for projects that are not eligible under our FY2025 grant competitions, both open and closed. The applicant must demonstrate that the project was not eligible under one of our FY2025 grant competitions. A project that lacks student education outcomes and would be eligible under an FY2025 competition if student education outcomes had been included is not eligible as an unsolicited project under this announcement. In addition, we do not provide funds for projects that consist solely of program delivery or the provision of services to students. Activities supported by IES must be relevant to U.S. schools.
IES will also not consider applications under this unsolicited announcement that in prior years would have been eligible under IES competitions or topics that are not being run in FY2025. This includes, but is not limited to, the National Center for Education Research's Postdoctoral Education Research Training program (irregularly competed as a topic under ALN 84.305B), and the National Center for Special Education Research's Postdoctoral Research and Methods Training programs (irregularly competed as topics under ALN 84.324B).
Upcoming request for applications
Education Research and Development Center Program - 84.305C
Research Training Programs in the Education Sciences - 84.305B
Special Education Dissertation Research Fellowship Program — 84.324G
Building Evidence of Effectiveness of Strategies to Increase Postsecondary Student Su...
Statistical and Research Methodology in Education — 84.305D
FY 2025 RFAs will be posted on a rolling basis.

Submission guide
The IES Application Submission Guide provides information on how to prepare and submit applications through to the research and research training grant programs in IES's National Centers for Education Research (NCER), Special Education Research (NCSER), and Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance (NCEE). Use this guide to learn about IES-specific guidance and recommendations to help you ensure your application is complete and submitted on time. See the Request for Applications for your competition for important information about substantive requirements and submission deadlines.
The Office of Science, which oversees the peer review of grant applications, invites you to watch a short video about what happens to your IES grant application after you submit it to
Learn More about IES Grants
Please read an Overview of IES Research and Research Training Grants Programs to learn more about research and training programs supported by IES. You can also learn more about grants funded by IES by using our project search tool.
Need Help? For general inquires, contact IES. For questions about specific funding opportunities, contact the National Center for Education Research (84.305 RFAs) or the National Center for Special Education Research (84.324 RFAs).