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Title:  Updating a Searchable Database of Dropout Prevention Programs and Policies in Nine Low-Income Urban School Districts in the Northeast and Islands Region
Description: This technical brief describes updates to a database of dropout prevention programs and policies in 2006/07 created by the Regional Education Laboratory (REL) Northeast and Islands and described in the Issues & Answers report, Piloting a searchable database of dropout prevention programs in nine low-income urban school districts in the Northeast and Islands Region (Myint-U et al. 2009). To update the database, a key informant from each of the nine pilot districts was interviewed on the status and characteristics of the dropout prevention pro-grams and policies in 2010/11. Based on this new information, this brief classifies programs and policies as new, discontinued, or sustained since 2006/07, the years in which programs were included in the database (Myint-U et al. 2009). The term active is used to refer to the combination of new and sustained programs and policies—that is, all programs and policies being implemented in 2010/11.
Online Availability:
Cover Date: February 2012
Web Release: February 9, 2012
Publication #: REL 2012020
Center/Program: REL
Type of Product: Technical Brief
Dropout Rates
Questions: For questions about the content of this Technical Brief, please contact:
Erin Pollard.