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Regional Educational Laboratory Northwest
REL Northwest partners with educators and policymakers in Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, and Washington to improve learner outcomes. Learn more about REL Northwest.
Key Resources and Events from REL Northwest

Trauma-Engaged Practice Briefs: Evidence and Implementation

REL Northwest developed a set of briefs that summarize research about trauma-engaged practices and outline implementation considerations for K–12 educators and school and district leaders. The briefs provide the evidence base for key practices that appear...
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Mathematics Research Summaries: Standards, Content, and Pathways

REL Northwest developed a set of mathematics literature reviews to summarize research and provide an evidence base for the development of rigorous K–12 mathematics standards and instructional content. The three reviews respond to key themes regarding...
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English Language Arts Standards Briefs: Literacy Research Summaries

REL Northwest developed five briefs to summarize literacy research and to increase knowledge of evidence-based approaches to literacy instruction. The briefs cover models of reading instruction, relationships between reading and writing, emergent lit...
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Continuous Improvement for a Multi-Tiered System of Support in Reading

These REL Northwest facilitation materials build the capacity of literacy leaders to use data-based decisionmaking and improve implementation of evidence-based practices for a multi-tiered system of support in reading.
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Literacy Resources: Summary Findings & Practice Recommendations From High-Quality Research

This REL Northwest handout lists resources that summarize findings from high-quality research on literacy for K–12 educators, including practice guides, reports, and infographics.
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How Has Artificial Intelligence Been Used in Education?
REL Northwest developed a resource sheet entitled Artificial Intelligence in Education, which includes a review of research on how AI has been used in education and four considerations for leveraging AI to support education. As the use of artificial intelligence...

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REL Northwest’s May 2023 webinar, aimed at state and district leaders and staff interested in developing and administering a large-scale survey, describes actionable strategies to achieve a high response rate and valuable lessons learned. Download our...

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