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Title:  Open Court Reading
Description: Open Court Reading© is an elementary basal reading program for grades K-6 developed by SRA/McGraw-Hill. The program is designed to systematically teach decoding, comprehension, inquiry and investigation, and writing in a logical progression. Part 1 of each unit, Preparing to Read, focuses on phonemic awareness, sounds and letters, phonics, fluency, and word knowledge. Part 2, Reading and Responding, emphasizes reading for understanding with literature, comprehension, inquiry, and practical reading applications. Part 3, Language Arts, focuses on communication skills such as spelling and vocabulary; writing process strategies; English language conventions such as grammar, speaking, and penmanship; and basic computer skills.
Online Availability:
Cover Date: August 2008
Web Release: August 12, 2008
Publication #: WWC IRBROCR08
Center/Program: WWC
Type of Product: Intervention Report
Questions: For questions about the content of this Intervention Report, please contact:
NCES WebMaster.