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IES Conferences, Workshop/Training & Technical Assistance
A Special Session of the NAEP/NIES Database Training Seminars for Research on American Indian/Alaska Native Students - DEADLINE EXTENDED (NAEP/NIES Database Training)

Description: In an effort to encourage research on American Indian and Alaska Native students, the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), Institute of Education Sciences (IES), U.S. Department of Education, will conduct a 3-day advanced studies seminar on the use of NCES databases for education research and policy analysis. This seminar will focus primarily on the National Indian Education Study (NIES), a study conducted as a part of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). NCES conducts the NIES study at the request of the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Indian Education (OIE) within the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education (OESE). NIES was last conducted in 2011 with results released in July 2012.

The purpose of the study is to advance the quality of education for all American Indian and Alaska Native students by collecting data that focuses on educational achievement and experiences of American Indian and Alaska Native students at grades 4 and 8. The study consists of two components – an assessment and a survey. The first component is a survey administered in the form of questionnaires to fourth and eighth grade American Indian and Alaska Native students in public and non-public schools, their teachers, and their school administrators.

The database for the study contains both reading and mathematics achievement scores for 4th, and 8th graders from public and non-public schools at the national level and 12 states identified as high-proportion state for American Indian and Alaska Native students. In addition to the public and private schools at the national level, the data base includes schools identified as Bureau of Indian Education (BIE). All BIE schools serving grade 4 or 8 students are included in the NIES sample.

The database also includes background information on the students who were assessed and their learning environment, teachers and school administrators of the students who participated in the studies. In addition, the seminar will provide an overview of other NCES databases (e.g., Common Core of Data) that contain information on American Indian and Alaska Native students.
Type: Workshop/Training & Technical Assistance
Audience: This seminar is aimed at faculty and advanced graduate students from colleges, universities, and tribal colleges and universities. Education researchers and policy analysts with strong statistical skills from state, local, and tribal education agencies and professional associations are also welcome. This special seminar is only for those interested in the education of American Indian and Alaska Native students in the United States.
Location: Washington, DC Area

Dates: June 26-28, 2013
Organization: National Center for Education Statistics
Contacts: For questions regarding this seminar:
  Contact Rivera, Gretzel from CDS2 at (202) 296-2528