IES Grant
Title: | National Research Center on Rural Education Support | ||
Center: | NCER | Year: | 2004 |
Principal Investigator: | Farmer, Thomas | Awardee: | University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill |
Program: | Education Research and Development Centers [Program Details] | ||
Award Period: | 5 years | Award Amount: | $10,000,000 |
Type: | Multiple Goals | Award Number: | R305A040056 |
Description: | Topic: Rural Education Purpose: The mission of the National Research Center on Rural Education (NRCRES) is to conduct research that addresses the diverse educational needs of rural schools, which face particular challenges that affect students' academic performance, such as: (1) high rates of child poverty; (2) limited resources for educational materials and professional development; (3) difficulty in attracting and retaining appropriately and highly qualified teachers; and (4) staffing issues stemming from sparse and remotely located populations that meet student needs. Established through a five-year, $17.2 million grant from the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) of the U.S. Department of Education, the NRCRES is staffed by researchers with strong backgrounds and training in the fields of developmental psychology, linguistics, and education. They are nationally recognized experts in the area of rural education. Some of the methodology they will employ include conducting randomized control trials, random-assignment evaluations, and national surveys. Project Activities: Targeted Reading Intervention (TRI)-Researchers will evaluate both an intervention and a teacher training program employed to help rural teachers, who often work in isolation, turn struggling early readers (kindergarten and 1st grade) into fluent ones. The TRI stresses the importance of phonemic awareness and phonics, vocabulary, and comprehension through one-to-one diagnostic teaching by the classroom teacher, and the Listen, Empathize, Encourage, Problem Solve framework that combines teacher in-service training with a professional development model that attempts to reduce teacher isolation and increase teacher success. The Center is conducting a random-assignment evaluation to determine the effects of the curriculum on student outcomes in rural elementary schools in North Carolina, Texas, New Mexico and Nebraska. The Targeted Reading Intervention has been implemented in three studies in rural, low-income schools. The first and second studies examine the TRI in kindergarten and 1st grade classes in non-Reading First schools over one semester (Study 1) and Reading First schools over two semesters (Study 2). The third study examines the TRI using distance collaborative consultation with laptop computers and web cams over two semesters. Rural Early Adolescent Learning Program (REAL) Distance Education Program The Rural High School Aspirations Study The Complementary Rural Education Research Fast Track (CRERFT) Studies
Key Personnel: Tom Farmer, Lynne Vernon-Feagans, Wallace Hannum. Related IES Projects: The Targeted Reading Intervention: A Web-Based Professional Development Program Targeting K-1 Classroom Teachers and Their Struggling Readers (R305A100654) Products and Publications ERIC Citations: Find available citations in ERIC for this award here. Center Website: Book chapter Farmer, T.W., and Hamm, J.V. (2016). Promoting Supportive Contexts for Minority Youth in Low-Resource Rural Communities: The SEALS Model, Directed Consultation, and the Scouting Report Approach. In L.J. Crockett, and G. Carlos (Eds.), Rural Ethnic Minority Youth and Families in the United States (pp. 247–265). New York: Springer. Farmer, T.W., Xie, H., Cairns, B.D., and Hutchins, B.C. (2007). Social Synchrony, Peer Networks, and Aggression in School. In P.H. Hawley, T.D. Little, and P.C. Rodkin (Eds.), Aggression and Adaptation: The Bright Side to Bad Behavior (pp. 209–233). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Hamm, J.V., and Zhang, L. (2010). The Schooling Context of Adolescents' Peer Relations. In J. Meece, and J. Eccles (Eds.), The Handbook of Schooling Effects on Development (pp. 518–554). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Hannum, W.H., Irvin, M.J., and De La Varre, C. (2010). Extending Educational Opportunities in Rural Areas: Application of Distance Education in Rural Schools. In S. Mukerji, and P. Tripathi (Eds.), Cases on Technological Adaptability and Transnational Learning: Issues and Challenges (pp. 276–294). Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference. Sutherland, K.S., and Farmer, T.W. (2007). Classroom Contexts and Problem Behavior. In G.D. Sideridis, and T.A. Citro (Eds.), Best Practices in Learning Disabilities: Bridging the Gap Between Research and Practice. Boston, MA: Learning Disabilities Worldwide. Vernon-Feagans, L., Gallagher, K., and Kainz, K. (2010). The Transition to School in Rural America: A Focus on Literacy. In J. Meece, and J. Eccles (Eds.), Schooling and Development (pp. 440). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. IES published report, issue brief, or practice guide Arnold, M.L, Biscoe, B., Farmer, T.W., Robertson, D.L., and Shapley, K.L. (2007). How the Government Defines Rural has Implications for Education Policies and Practices (REL 2007–010). Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance, Regional Educational Laboratory Southwest. Journal article, monograph, or newsletter Amendum, S., Vernon-Feagans, L., and Ginsberg, M.C. (2011). The Effectiveness of a Technologically Facilitated Classroom-Based Early Reading Intervention: The Targeted Reading Intervention. Elementary School Journal, 112(1): 107–131. Carver, R., King, R., Hannum, W.H., and Fowler, B. (2007). Toward a Model of Experiential ELearning. MERLOT Journal of Online Learning and Teaching, 3(3): 247–256. Estell, D.B., Farmer, T.W., Irvin, M.J., Crowther, A., Akos, P., and Boudah, D.J. (2009). Students With Exceptionalities and the Peer Group Context of Bullying and Victimization in Late Elementary School. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 18(2): 136–150. Farmer, T.W. (2007). Studying the Individual Within the Peer Context: Are we on Target?. New Directions in Child and Adolescent Development, 118: 101–108. Farmer, T.W., and Xie, H.L. (2007). Aggression and School Social Dynamics: The Good, the Bad, and the Ordinary. Journal of School Psychology, 45(5): 461–478. Farmer, T.W., Farmer, E.M.Z., and Brooks, D.S. (2010). Recasting the Ecological and Developmental Roots of Intervention for Students With Emotional and Behavior Problems: The Promise of Strength-Based Perspectives. Exceptionality: A Special Education Journal, 18(2): 53–57. Farmer, T.W., Farmer, E.M.Z., Estell, D., and Hutchins, B.C. (2007). The Developmental Dynamics of Aggression and the Prevention of School Violence. Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, 15(4): 197–208. Farmer, T.W., Hall, C.M., Petrin, R., Hamm, J.V., and Dadisman, K. (2010). Evaluating the Impact of a Multicomponent Intervention Model on Teachers' Awareness of Social Networks at the Beginning of Middle School in Rural Communities. School Psychology Quarterly, 25(2): 94–106. Farmer, T.W., Hall, C.M., Weiss, M.P., Petrin, R.A., Meece, J.L., and Moohr, M. (2010). The School Adjustment of Rural Adolescents With and Without Disabilities: Variable and Person-Centered Approaches. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 20(1): 78–88. Farmer, T.W., Hamm, J.V., Leung, M.-C., Lambert, K., and Gravelle, M. (2011). Early Adolescent Peer Ecologies in Rural Communities: Bullying in Schools That do and do not Have a Transition During the Middle Grades. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 40(9): 1106–1117. Farmer, T.W., Hamm, J.V., Petrin, R.A., Robertson, D.R., Murray, R.A., Meece, J., and Brooks, D.S. (2010). Supporting Early Adolescent Learning and Social Strengths: Promoting Productive Contexts for Students At-Risk for EBD During the Transition to Middle School. Exceptionality, 18(2): 94–106. doi:10.1080/09362831003673192 Farmer, T.W., Irvin, M.J., Motoca, L.M., Leung, M.-C., Hutchins, B.C., Brooks, D.S., and Hall, C.M. (2015). Externalizing and Internalizing Behavior Problems, Peer Affiliations, and Bullying Involvement Across the Transition to Middle School. Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, 23(1): 3–16. Farmer, T.W., Irvin, M.J., Sgammato, A., Dadisman, K., and Thompson, J.H. (2009). Interpersonal Competence Configurations in Rural Appalachian Fifth Graders: Academic Achievement and Associated Adjustment Factors. Elementary School Journal, 109(3): 301–321. Farmer, T.W., Irvin, M.J., Thompson, J.H., Hutchins, B.C., and Leung, M.-C. (2006). School Adjustment and the Academic Success of Rural African American Early Adolescents in the Deep South. Journal of Research in Rural Education, 21(3): 1–14. Farmer, T.W., Leung, M.C., Banks, J.B., Schaefer, V., Andrews, B., and Murray, R.A. (2006). Adequate Yearly Progress in Small Rural Schools and Rural Low-Income-Schools. The Rural Educator, 27(3): 1–7. Farmer, T.W., Leung, M-C., Keagy, K., Boudah, D.J., Akos, P., Mcdonough, E., and Hall, C.M. (2009). Social Preference Choices in Late Elementary School: Within and Across Group Nominations. Psychology in the Schools, 46(4): 362–374. Farmer, T.W., McAuliffe, M., and Hamm, J.V. (2011). Revealing the Invisible Hand: The Role of Teachers in Children's Peer Experiences. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 32(5): 247–256. Farmer, T.W., Petrin, R., Brooks, D.S., Hamm, J.V., Lambert, K., and Gravelle, M. (2012). Bullying Involvement and the School Adjustment of Rural Students With and Without Disabilities. Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, 20(1): 19–37. Farmer, T.W., Vernon-Feagans, L., and Hannum, W. (2008). Educational Issues in Diverse Rural Communities: The Research Agenda of the National Research Center on Rural Education Support (NRCRES Monograph No. 1). Journal of Research in Rural Education. Ginsberg, M.C., Vernon-Feagans, L., and Amendum, S.J. (2010). Webcam Coaching for Professional Learning. Academic Exchange Quarterly, 14(1). Hamm, J.V., Farmer, T.W., Dadisman, K., Gravelle, M., and Murray, A.R. (2011). Teachers' Attunement to Students' Peer Group Affiliations as a Source of Improved Student Experiences of the School Social-Affective Context Following the Middle School Transition. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 32(5): 267–277. Hamm, J.V., Farmer, T.W., Lambert, K., and Gravelle, M. (2014). Enhancing Peer Cultures of Academic Effort and Achievement in Early Adolescence: Promotive Effects of the Seals Intervention. Developmental Psychology, 50(1): 216–228. Hamm, J.V., Farmer, T.W., Robertson, D.R., Dadisman, K., Meece, J.L., and Song, S.Y. (2010). Effects of a Developmentally Based Intervention With Teachers on Native American and White Early Adolescents' Schooling Adjustment in Rural Settings. Journal of Experimental Education, 78(3): 347–377. Hamm, J.V., Lambert, K., Agger, C.A., and Farmer, T.W. (2013). Promotive Peer Contexts of Academic and Social Adjustment Among Rural African American Early Adolescent Boys. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 83(2): 278–288. Hamm, J.V., Schmid, L., Locke, B., and Farmer, T.W. (2011). Injunctive and Descriptive Peer Group Norms and the Academic Adjustment of Rural Early Adolescents. Journal of Early Adolescence, 31(1): 41–73. Hannum, W., Irvin, M.J., Banks, J.B., and Farmer, T.W. (2009). Distance Education Use in Rural Schools. Journal of Research in Education, 24(3): 1–15. Hannum, W.H. (2007). When Computers Teach: A Review of the Instructional Effectiveness of Computers. Educational Technology, 47(2): 5–13. Hannum, W.H., and Mccombs, B.L. (2008). Enhancing Distance Learning for Today's Youth With Learner-Centered Principles. Educational Technology, 48(4): 11–21. Hannum, W.H., Irvin, M.J., Lei, P.-W., and Farmer, T.W. (2008). Effectiveness of Using Learner-Centered Principles on Student Retention in Distance Education Courses in Rural Schools. Distance Education, 29(3): 211–229. Irvin, M.J., Farmer, T.W., Leung, M., Thompson, J.H., and Hutchins, B.C. (2010). School, Community, and Church Activities: Relationship to Academic Achievement of Low-Income African American Early Adolescents in the Rural Deep South. Journal of Research in Rural Education, 25(4): 1–21. Irvin, M.J., Hannum, W.H., De La Varre, C., and Farmer, T.W. (2010). Barriers to Distance Education in Rural Schools. Quarterly Review of Distance Education, 11(2): 73–90. Irvin, M.J., Hannum, W.H., Farmer, T.W., De La Varre, C., and Keane, J. (2009). Supporting Online Learning for Advanced Placement Students in Small Rural Schools: Conceptual Foundations and Intervention Components of the Facilitator Preparation Program. The Rural Educator, 31(1): 29–36. Robertson, D.L., Farmer, T.W., Fraser, M.W., Day, S.H., Duncan, T., Crowther, A., and Dadisman, K.A. (2010). Interpersonal Competence Configurations and Peer Relations in Early Elementary Classrooms: Perceived Popular and Unpopular Aggressive Subtypes. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 34(1): 73–87. Vernon-Feagans, L., Gallagher, K.C., Ginsberg, M.C., Amendum, S.J., Vandergrift, N., Kainz, K., and Rose, J. (2010). A Diagnostic Teaching Intervention for Classroom Teachers: Helping Struggling Readers in Early Elementary School. Research and Practice, 25(4): 183–193. Nongovernment report, issue brief, or practice guide Dadisman, K., Farmer, T.W., Gravelle, M., and Petrin, R. (2010). Issue Brief: Grow Your Own and Other Alternative Certification Programs in Rural Districts.Chapel Hill, NC : National Research Center on Rural Education Support. Southerland, K.S., Carter, E., Farmer, T.W., Hoover, H., and Kostewicz, D. (2007). Re-Examination of Effective Classroom Management With Focus on Learners With or At-Risk for Emotional/Behavioral Disorders. Monograph published by the Division of the Council for Children with Behavior Disorders, Reston, VA. Proceeding Keane, J., De La Varre, C., Irvin, M.J., and Hannum, W. (2008). Learner-Centered Social Support: Enhancing Online Distance Education for Underserved Rural High School Students in the United States. In Proceedings of the 15th Association for Learning Technology Conference (pp. 39–48). Leeds, UK: Association of Learning Technology. Whitton, N., and Mcpherson, M. (2008). Rethinking the Digital Divide. In Proceedings of the 15th Association for Learning Technology Conference(pp. 39–48). England: University of Leeds. |
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