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The Effects of Hybrid Algebra I on Teaching Practices, Classroom Quality, and Adolescent LearningThe Effects of Hybrid Algebra I on Teaching Practices, Classroom Quality, and Adolescent Learning

Data collection approach

The study requires four types of data collection:

Student administrative records. Using state administrative records, the researchers collect information on student enrollment in grade 9 algebra I, demographic attributes, and math test scores on statewide assessments given to eighth-graders in the year before the intervention. They also collect student-level indicators of academic outcomes, including subsequent enrollment in higher level math courses, scores on state-administered grade 10 math assessments, and school continuation for the year following the intervention (grade 10 for most students).

Classroom observations. Trained researchers observe (for about one hour) up to five algebra I classes during a one-day visit to each treatment and control school. To collect data during these visits, two valid and reliable instruments are used: the School Observation Measure collects data on overall classroom activities, and the Algebra I Quality Assessment records use of algebra I standards-based instructional practices.

Teacher surveys. The researchers use the Hybrid Algebra I Teacher Questionnaire and the Algebra I Control Teacher Questionnaire to collect teacher perceptions of their algebra I approach (hybrid compared with district curriculum) and of the algebra I standards-based instructional practices listed on the Algebra I Control Teacher Questionnaire.

Test scores on an end-of-course algebra assessment. To measure student knowledge of algebra I, the researchers use a nationally recognized, reliable paper-and-pencil 25-item test. They give the 40-minute test in all treatment and control schools during regular class times.

Other data. Math instruction specialists document treatment teachers' participation during professional development sessions. Archives from Blackboard, the platform housing the online courseware, track the number of student connections to online course materials during the school year.

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