For more than 50 years, the RELs have collaborated with school districts, state departments of education, and other education stakeholders to help them generate and use evidence and improve student outcomes. Read more
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Regional Educational Lab (REL) Mid-Atlantic partners with key stakeholders in Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania to develop evidence that can inform consequential decisions about policy, programs, and practice. Key stakeholders include organizations with decision-making authority and the ability to influence education policy and practice, such as state and local education agencies, school boards, institutes of higher education, and student, family, and community organizations. RELs partner with these organizations on applied research and development; training, coaching and technical supports; and dissemination. Click here to learn more about the REL Program.
This partnership will work with the Maryland Department of Disabilities to support and improve the coordination and tracking of services for students with disabilities, to increase connection to career readiness and post-school career services and to post-secondary education opportunities. This partnership will also collaborate with the Center for Transition and Career Innovation at the University of Maryland, and the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) Division of Rehabilitation Services, and Charles County Public Schools.
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REL Mid-Atlantic is led by Mathematica with support from the following partners:
The REL Governing Board helps REL Mid-Atlantic prioritize the education needs of the region, provides strategic guidance on REL work to maximize local effectiveness, and leverages members’ regional networks to amplify and disseminate REL products. REL Mid-Atlantic Governing Board members represent diverse expertise and experience.
This study will assess whether implementing the Toolkit to Support Evidence-Based Writing Instruction in Grades 2 Through 4 helps teachers use recommended, evidence-based practices for writing instruction and improves students’ writing quality. The toolkit builds on the What Works Clearinghouse practice guide, Teaching Elementary School Students to Be Effective Writers, to (1) make it accessible and engaging for busy educators, (2) create a structure for learning and applying practices throughout a school year, (3) promote collaborative learning and planning among teachers, and (4) offer tools for sustaining practices over time. The toolkit will be a one-stop shop that enables schools and educators to access all supports in one place, complemented by diagnostic tools to assess practices and resources for school leaders to institutionalize practices over time. This study is critical for understanding how the toolkit can support teachers and students.
REL Mid-Atlantic is partnering with the New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE) to evaluate the state’s current accountability models and methods for tracking progress and achievement in English language proficiency (ELP). At the student level, the project team is analyzing how well NJDOE’s current ELP student growth model aligns with observed growth trajectories in the state, particularly in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. At the school level, the project team is seeking to evaluate NJDOE’s school accountability measure as a valid and reliable indicator of a school’s contribution to students’ ELP growth. At both the student and the school levels, NJDOE seeks to collect evidence that may inform its future decisionmaking about how best to set ambitious achievement standards for students and schools, identify students and schools that need support to meet these standards, and provide meaningful support and guidance to schools and educators whose students are identified for support.
REL Mid-Atlantic and the New Jersey Department of Education are conducting an applied research study to increase understanding of the types of changes 10 New Jersey school districts made to their hiring processes following a continuous improvement coaching series provided during the 2022/23 school year. The study will explore challenges districts encountered in incorporating hiring practices informed by the coaching, as well as how they addressed such challenges, and the extent to which districts engaged in continuous improvement efforts for practices aimed at increasing the hiring of teachers of color.
Education agencies need good measures of school performance to know which schools and subgroups of students need support the most. Identifying subgroups most in need has been a long-standing challenge due to the instability of conventional measures for small subgroups of students. With respect to small subgroups, states have faced a difficult tradeoff between accuracy and equity: Excluding the smallest subgroups from accountability makes these students and their needs invisible, compromising equity; but including small subgroups risks making decisions based on unreliable data due to the large amount of random error implicit in small numbers of students. Key findings from our 2023 report, using data from the Pennsylvania Department of Education, demonstrate how Bayesian stabilization increases the reliability of school performance measures, especially for small subgroups of students—making it possible to simultaneously promote accuracy and equity. But not every state has the internal expertise or resources needed to implement stabilization. To make stabilization available to state and local education agencies across the country, we’re developing a free tool, hosted by the U.S. Department of Education, that will allow them to stabilize their own performance measures. The Accuracy for Equity (A4E) tool will be useful not only for improving the accuracy of accountability measures, but also for diagnostic purposes in support of equitable outcomes, by giving states, districts, and schools better information on student groups most in need of support.
In this project, the REL will actively prepare the New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE) and district staff to lead coaching on increasing educator diversity within the districts they support. This project will build a Community of Practice (CoP) to further support and enhance the implementation of effective practices that aim to increase educator diversity. The CoP will provide a forum for NJDOE and district staff to engage with peers, reflect on challenges, and share resources and strategies.
The Pennsylvania Department of Education’s Office for Safe Schools (OSS) revised its elementary school climate student survey in Spring 2024 based on findings from a REL Mid-Atlantic study. The study validated the elementary school student survey, but found that one domain—safe and respectful school climate—did not meet the reliability threshold. In response, OSS included a larger set of items for this domain. REL staff will now reassess the validity and reliability of the survey with the updated set of items.
This 2022 TCTS project helped build the capacity of SDP’s Offices of DEI, Research and Evaluation, and Academic Support to monitor the progress of the CLIF initiative as well as improve its design and implementation. The REL’s support included identifying tools that SDP could adopt or adapt to monitor CLIF implementation by: 1) conducting a literature scan of psychometrically valid and reliable measures of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) programs and practices in education; 2) conducting a landscape analysis of DEI programs, policies, practices, and initiatives in place in 26 different school districts that are demographically similar to SDP; and 3) facilitating two technical support sessions to share discuss our findings. We also conducted an Ask-a-REL to review and provide written and verbal feedback on the district’s instructional materials selection rubric. This feedback primarily suggested ways in which SDP could consolidate redundant scoring attributes and expand existing scoring criteria to better align with promising and evidence-based research on culturally and linguistically responsive instructional practice.
This TCTS project included coaching for central office staff involved in leading and supporting the Equity Partners Fellowship. Coaching began in August 2022 and continued throughout the 2022/23 school year to help SDP leaders in the DEI office refine the program and strengthen the supports it offers to future Equity Fellows, particularly around their action research projects. Coaching also included modeling the data collection process to support ongoing data informed continuous improvement of the program.
Video: Building Data Capacity
REL Mid-Atlantic partnered with the New Jersey Department of Education to develop and facilitate a six-session coaching series for 10 local school districts, building their capacity to make data-informed decisions and implement research-based practices that promote increased hiring of teachers of color throughout the state. The sessions helped district staff create a vision statement, analyze their teacher workforce data, conduct root cause analyses, identify and implement evidence-based strategies for addressing the root causes, and develop a theory of action and implement continuous improvement processes to promote change in hiring practices.
Blog post: Why Increasing Educator Diversity Matters in New Jersey
This project aimed to increase the robustness of the Pennsylvania Department of Education’s (PDE’s) accountability system to measurement error, thereby improving its accuracy. The REL team applied a Bayesian statistical model to historical subgroup data and compared the reliability of the stabilized Bayesian proficiency rates to the un-stabilized proficiency rates typically used to inform Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI) and Additional Targeted Support and Improvement (ATSI) determinations. Stabilization substantially improved statistical reliability, especially for small subgroups. Education agencies seeking to make the best use of data on subgroups in schools (or any data with small numbers of students) should consider stabilizing their measures to increase reliability and reduce the risk of being fooled by random variation.
Final report: Stabilizing Subgroup Proficiency Results to Improve the Identification of Low-Performing Schools.
REL Mid-Atlantic worked with the New Jersey Department of Education to ensure that the measures of school-level English language proficiency (ELP) used in its ESSA accountability were reliable and valid in the wake of COVID-related assessment disruptions and for the long term. The REL provided support for the design of diagnostic analyses to assess potential biases in the schoolwide measures of ELP due to testing disruptions in 2020 and 2021 and assistance in interpreting the findings. The REL also provided information about other states’ English learner accountability practices as well as technical specifications to weight existing data on ELP measures using a sliding scale approach in order to be representative of each school’s full population of English learners.
The Accountability Community of Practice worked with NJDOE to explore Bayesian methods as applied to measures used in the state’s school accountability system. The project provided training, code and other coding resources, and an educator-friendly infographic to NJDOE technical program support staff. Short-term outcomes included a better understanding of Bayesian methods and measures, distribution of an infographic on Bayesian stabilization, and improved capacity to implement refinements to the NJDOE accountability system. Medium-term outcomes included a potential to increase the reliability of school-performance measures used in NJ’s accountability system and successful communication of the merits of those measures to NJ educators.
Infographic: Stabilizing School Performance Measures for Accuracy and Equity
REL Mid-Atlantic provided DC Public Charter School Board (PCSB) with technical support as it developed a new framework of school performance measures. The REL advised PCSB about issues related to the reliability, validity, and robustness of measures; and explored implications of different approaches for combining and weighting the measures—with particular attention to PCSB’s desire to promote equity in its framework. The project team provided this feedback to DC PCSB over the course of 5 virtual sessions during the first half of 2023 as they worked to establish a new framework of school performance measures.
Blog post: Using Tailored Supports to Advance Educational Equity
This TCTS project focused on the observation component of Delaware’s new teacher evaluation system. The project helped the Delaware Department of Education (DDOE) collect and learn from data from the two pilot years of the new system (2021/22 and 2022/23) as DDOE prepared to implement the system statewide in 2023/24. REL staff partnered with DDOE to help them collect and make sense of data on teachers’ and school leaders’ perceptions of the system’s observation component, factors supporting and limiting effective implementation of the observation component, and needed changes or additional support.
REL Mid-Atlantic partnered with the New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE) to develop and facilitate a six-session coaching series that built the capacity of state leaders to train districts in the 2024/25 school year on culturally responsive hiring practices, bolstering the efforts of NJDOE to build an educator workforce that more closely reflects the ethno-racial diversity of the state’s student population.
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