Ask A REL is a collaborative reference desk service provided by the ten Regional Educational Laboratories (RELs) and functions much in the same way as a technical reference library. It provides references, referrals, and brief responses in the form of citations on research based education questions.
To submit your question related to education policies, programs, or practices, complete this form and our team will respond to your question. The last date to submit an Ask A REL for this contract cycle is December 3, 2021.
Below you will find Ask A REL reposnses from REL Southeast organized by REL topic areas. Please click on a question to view the response.
Autism Intervention
College and Career Readiness
- What research has been conducted on how community colleges using makerspaces to supplement their existing curriculum--especially STEM courses?
- What research has been conducted on how higher education institutions support U.S. veterans entering and attending post-secondary institutions?
- What research has been conducted on evidence-based practices or programs for supporting special education students at postsecondary institutions?
- What research has been conducted regarding the Office of Civil Rights resolution agreements that address whether African American students are provided equal access to and an equal opportunity to participate in rigorous college and career preparatory courses within the district? More specifically, are there model approaches to these agreements?
Early Childhood
- What research has been done on the prekindergarten student assessment indicators that should be considered for later kindergarten readiness?
- What research has been conducted on coaching models for preschool (ages 3-5) teachers?
- What research has been conducted on the impact of social emotional learning on Head Start students?
- What research has been conducted on the effects of high-quality preschool programs, specifically, those focusing on 4-year-olds?
Educator Effectiveness
- What research has been conducted on the impact on individuals' perceptions of the efficacy of various training modalities on subsequent professional practice?
- What research has been conducted to determine if licensure assessment specific to reading instruction is a reliable indicator of effective teaching that leads to early literacy achievement?
- What recent studies have linked education and training of the early care and education workforce (birth-5) with teacher quality, more positive child interactions and more positive child outcomes?
- What research has been conducted that shows the most effective ratio of teacher talk to student discourse in early grades reading instruction?
- What research has been conducted on the impact of academic/literacy interventionists on student and/or school performance?
- What research has been conducted on practices that have been found to correlate with increased retention rates in adult education?
- What research has been conducted on PLC use during in-service (science) teaching?
- What research has been conducted on intensive acceleration classes?
- Is there any research that has a focus on what teachers can do to help reduce recidivism?
- What data is available regarding policy surrounding data-based progress monitoring?
- What research has been conducted on implementing CRISS strategies in Georgia schools and Miami Dade Schools?
- What research has been conducted on the effect of the instructional walkthrough on teachers' instructional practices?
- What research has been conducted on ways to increase collective teacher efficacy?
- What is the evidence of effectiveness for the Strategic Instruction Model (SIM)?
- What research has been conducted on the effectiveness of instructional paraprofessionals?
- What research has been conducted on data-driven differentiated instruction?
- What research has been conducted on classroom management in terms of student emotional responses?
- What research has been conducted on UDL and literacy?
English Learners
Instructional Strategies
Letter-sound Correspondence Instruction
- What research has been conducted on how leveled literacy intervention affects behaviors and success with readers with emotional behavioral disorders and/or dyslexia?
- What research has been conducted on tools related to observations of after school programming and/or infusing literacy into the after-school settings?
- What research has been conducted on the relationship between non instructional strategies, like school climate, and literacy achievement?
- What research has been conducted on using virtual reality eye movement detectors to help diagnose dyslexia?
- What research has been conducted in teaching phonological awareness using print at the same time?
- What research is available on Orton-Gillingham?
- What research has been conducted on the effects of close reading on middle school students' comprehension of informational text?
- What research has been conducted on emergent literacy?
- What research has been conducted on literacy leadership teams?
- What research has been done to ascertain the percentage of time a literacy or reading interventionist should spend with students as opposed to time they are spending on other duties?
- What research has been conducted on independent reading and its effectiveness?
- What research has been conducted on evidence-based strategies for teaching writing?
- What research has been conducted on effective digital tools to use with writing instruction/production?
- What research has been conducted on book giving programs, such as the Dolly Parton's, on the impact of students' early literacy skills?
- What research has been conducted that compares achievement outcomes in literacy proficiency of students who were instructed with traditional paper-based instructional materials versus digital, or online, programs and instructional materials?
- What research has been conducted on how to determine the grade level of texts and how to use grade level text with students?
- What research has been conducted on reading gains made as a result of after school tutoring?
- What research has been conducted on teaching reading comprehension in science content classes?
- Have multisensory approaches to teaching reading (VAKT) been supported by randomized trials, i.e. experimental research?
- What is the evidence base to support reading interventions in the secondary grades?
- Do interventions that promote mindfulness improve the math achievement of secondary students?
- What research has been conducted on connecting math and science instruction?
- What research has been conducted on a "Grade 8 Algebra for All" policy?
- What research has been conducted on summer interventions for pre-Algebra 1? For interventions to prepare students for pre-Algebra 1?
- Is there any research on students in grades 1-2 who struggle with number sense?
Multi-age Classrooms in Elementary Schools
Professional Development
- What research has been conducted on individuals' perceptions of learning communities as an effective means to deliver professional development?
- What research has been conducted on professional development with follow-up support compared to professional development without follow-up support?
Rural Education
- What research has been conducted on mental health strategies and interventions for students in small and rural school districts?
- What research has been conducted on rural education in North Carolina?
- What research has been conducted on scaling up educational practices across rural communities?
Screen Time and Young Children
Student Achievement
- What research has been conducted on the impacts of district office leadership on student achievement?
- What research has been conducted on long-term school closures and the impact on student achievement?
Teacher Preparation
- What research has been conducted on the efficacy of assessment measures used as admission and/or certification criteria for teachers; and, the differential impact on people of color?
- What research has been conducted on preservice science teacher education?
- What research has been conducted on "grow your own teacher" program?
- What research has been conducted on evidence-based practices for new teacher orientation and retention?
- What research has been conducted on teacher perceptions of social emotional learning?
- What research has been conducted on class size reduction at the middle school level and benefits for minority students?
- What research has been conducted on daily schedules in middle schools?
- What research has been conducted on how equity training and technical assistance for school and district staff in the use of culturally responsive/relevant and restorative practices impacts school climate, particularly in middle school?
- What research has been conducted on the effect of literacy and math coaches in the school building?
- What research has been conducted on the effect of literacy and math coaches in high school?
- What research has been conducted on designing effective courses for teaching computer science?
- What research has been conducted on teaching social behavior skills?
- What research is available pertaining to the impact of class size on student achievement?
- What research has been conducted on effective practices for families working with babies and toddlers (birth to age 3) to foster language development?
- Is there any research about supporting middle school students with disruptive behavior where the sample was largely African American girls?
- What research has been conducted on the use of interactive flat panels and student achievement?
- What research has been conducted on the use and effectiveness of "Quizlet", which is a website that provides learning tools for students, such as flashcards?
- What research has been conducted on "Socrative" (a cloud-based student response system) and student achievement?
- What research has been conducted on letter grade report cards compared to other types of progress reports?
- What research has been conducted on effective models for high school inclusion for special education students?
- What research has been conducted on the efficacy of teaching single subject science in middle school compared to teaching integrated science courses?
- What research has been conducted on vertical articulation across grades and school levels?
- What research has been conducted on effective practices of teacher leaders?
- What research has been conducted on the effectiveness of different types of elementary school (k-5) configurations?
- What research has been conducted on collaborative leadership?
- What research has been conducted on distributed leadership in schools?
- What research has been conducted on how credits earned during freshmen year are correlated to graduation rate?