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About REL Northeast & Islands

REL Northeast & Islands serves nine states and territories: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and Vermont. To address the priorities and interests of these jurisdictions, REL Northeast & Islands works in partnership with school districts, state departments of education, and others to use data and research to improve academic outcomes for students.

REL Northeast & Islands works to bridge the worlds of education research and education practice. REL Northeast & Islands offers various supports to the collaborative research partnerships and other stakeholder groups in the Northeast & Islands region:

REL Northeast & Islands is administered by Education Development Center, Inc. (EDC), headquartered in Waltham, Mass., with support from the following partners:

  • American Institutes for Research
  • Center for Applied Linguistics
  • Illumina Interactive
  • New York University
  • Sanametrix
  • SOS Solutions
  • SRI International
  • WestEd

Director Julie Riordan, Ph.D.

Director Julie Riordan, Ph.D.Director Julie Riordan is a principal research scientist at Education Development Center (EDC) and director of REL Northeast & Islands. Dr. Riordan brings extensive experience in systems change in education through strategic engagement with educators and policymakers. Her areas of specialization include the evaluation of education policy, organizational change in schools, and the use of evidence in decision making with a focus on state and local education agencies. Learn more .

Governing Board

The REL Northeast & Islands Governing Board helps identify and prioritize the high-leverage education needs of the region; reviews research plans and training, coaching, and technical support products; and assists with outreach and dissemination efforts. Governing Board members include the education commissioners and secretaries from all nine REL Northeast & Islands jurisdictions and representatives of diverse stakeholder groups from across the region. Learn more.