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June 2012

Research Grant Reviews for FY 2012 Complete; Record Number of Review Panels

Scientific peer review of research grant applications received in Fiscal Year (FY) 2012 is now complete. In March, the Standards and Review Office completed the second and final round of grant reviews for FY 2012.» read more

Easton Talks Measurement, Teacher Evaluation, and Future of NAEP at NCME Inaugural Plenary Session

"How Can the Testing Community Help Advance Education Policy and Practice?" This was the question IES Director John Q. Easton posed to members of the assessment community during his remarks as the featured presenter at the opening plenary of the 2012 annual meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education (NCME). (NCME). » read more

Bullying and School Climate

Interview with IES-funded researcher Catherine Bradshaw on her research on bullying and school climate and recent media attention to it. » read more

IES Grantees Recognized by CEC for Contributions to the Education of Children and Youth with Disabilities

At its recent annual meeting, the Council for Exceptional Children recognized Sharon Vaughn of the University of Texas at Austin and Louis Danielson of the American Institutes for Research for their contributions to the field. » read more

Feasibility Study on Condition of School Facilities

The National Center for Education Statistics is currently conducting the first round of feasibility tests for a Fast Response Survey on the condition of public schools facilities. » read more

Easton Highlights RELs Work on College and Career Readiness at AERA Annual Meeting

The new Regional Educational Laboratories (RELs) are up and running, and IES Director John Q. Easton highlighted the work of three of these labs in the area of college and career readiness at the recent AERA annual meeting in Vancouver, British Columbia. » read more