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March 2012

54 New Research and Research Training Grants Announced

The Institute of Education Sciences is investing $97.8 million in 54 new research and research training grants. » read more

Staff News

IES welcomes a new staff member:
Wai-Ying Chow

IES-Funded Technology Intervention Wins Immersive Learning Award

Female character at a pond in the EcoMUVE virtual world

IES-funded researchers Chris Dede and Shari Metcalf of Harvard University received the First Place award in the Interactive and Immersive Learning Category at the 2011 Association for Educational Communications and Technology Conference. The award was for EcoMUVE, a science intervention funded by a development grant under IES's Education Technology research grants program.

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WWC Quick Reviews Redesigned

What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) Quick Reviews have been redesigned to quickly meet the need for reviews of education studies and interventions that receive notable media mentions. » read more

NCSER Grantee honored with Early Career Research Award

Paul Morgan, associate professor at Pennsylvania State University and a National Center for Special Education Research grantee, is the recipient of the 2012 Distinguished Early Career Research Award from the Division for Research of the Council for Exceptional Children. » read more

Research Funding Webinars—Register Now

IES's National Center for Special Education Research and the National Center for Education Research are hosting a series of research funding webinars through August. » read more

NCES Begins Work on New Teaching and Learning International Survey

This spring, the International Activities Program at the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) begins field testing the Teaching and Learning International Survey here in the United States. » read more