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July 2011

From the National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance (NCEE)

ERIC Adds Capacity to Share Searches Within a Community of Interest

For educators who would like to share their ERIC (Education Resources Information Center) searches with a community of people with similar interests, ERIC now has a Shared Search feature.

Shared Search is part of the My ERIC customization tool. My ERIC users can now select a community of interest, for example, science education, and a role related to that community, such as teacher. With these selections in place, you can then choose to share your searches with others in the community, browse others' searches in My Community Research, and/or receive email notifications whenever any new ERIC records meeting search specifications are added to the ERIC Collection. Community members are invited to tag and describe their searches to help others understand their parameters.

Individuals who want to share records or searches with a group smaller than a whole community can continue to use the Bookmark & Share feature.

The Shared Search feature extends sharing to a larger group of people with similar interests, who may in turn choose to make their own searches available. Try it now!