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Educator Effectiveness Alliance

The REL West Educator Effectiveness Alliance (EE) is a regional group of state education agency (SEA) leaders, from Arizona, Nevada, and Utah, that originally came together in 2010 to collectively learn about ways to advance federal priorities around educator effectiveness, including strengthening observation and feedback for teachers and administrators. Today, these SEA leaders are seeking to continue to refine and/or expand their systems of professional support for educators, and, in turn, improve retention among their teachers and principals. This is especially salient given shortages in particular schools and/or subject areas. Education leaders are interested in using federal Title II Part A funds more strategically and for greater impact, including understanding ways to design and implement effective, efficient, and technology-enriched supports for teachers and leaders.

Alliance Objectives

With support from REL West:

  • SEA teams develop, pilot, study, refine, and scale up new support strategies for principal supervisors (AZ, NV), principals (NV, UT), and/or teachers (AZ).
  • Principals and teachers (in AZ, NV, UT) feel more supported by their supervisors and peers and more effective in their work.
  • Retention rates improve for teachers and principals.


“Teacher effectiveness data (should be used) to ensure our teachers are growing in their professional practice. It is about building their capacity, not just evaluation.”

—Arizona workshop participant


Educator Effectiveness Alliance members


Alliance membership includes key staff and leaders from the Educator and School Excellence, K–12 Standards, and Support and Innovation Units of the Arizona Department of Education (ADE); the Professional Learning Support Division of the California Department of Education (CDE); the California Comprehensive Center; the Center on Great Teachers and Leaders (CGTL) at the American Institutes for Research; Educator and Effectiveness and Family Engagement Division and the Office of Educator Development and Support at the Nevada Department of Education (NDE); Teaching and Learning Division at the Utah State Board of Education (USBE); and the West Comprehensive Center.